I’ve been putting in long hours this week in order to complete the 27 Feedback Forms, which need to be emailed out to all our host churches and communities and I’m happy to report that they are all DONE!!
Tuesday (this Monday being Labour Day Holiday throughout North America) they will be emailed across the country along with a 2017 Program Flyer and Application Form, the latter two documents having been prepared yesterday!
It feels really good to have that huge block of work completed while all the stories of Day Camps 2016 are still vivid in my mind. Although the forms are only one page long it is important to honour the story of each host location by trying to record all the salient points and to respond, where possible, to the comments and suggestions contributed by Clergy and Coordinators.
Of course there is sometimes a need for follow-up outside the rigid “box” of a Feedback Form and those issues will also be dealt with in the emails.
There is one other important task to complete before turning the page on Summer 2016 and that will be my Annual Report. I cannot imagine waiting until just prior to our AGM (held in the Spring) to write my report; I think it is vital to do it now when everything is still so fresh and clear. Once the report has been written it will need to be full steam ahead on 2017 as our September Committee meeting is right around the corner, only just over a week away!
Does my zeal ever flag? I can honestly say an emphatic NO!!! Lots of people might be surprised by that assertion because there are certainly times of great discouragement, uncertainty and even fear but over all there is just so much that is good and so obviously touched by God’s Grace, I always know in my heart it is something He approves of and being a part of making it happen from year to year is a huge privilege as well as a huge responsibility.
So there really has not been time for much else this past week. Of course there are all the things that must be fitted into the daily schedule like mowing the lawns or making a batch of dog food plus a couple of tiny “extras” were squeezed in.
I’ve been tweaking the Pentecost Harvest decorations and so took an hour one afternoon to make 5 new cushion covers from some super fabric pieces passed on to me by friends, these covers add some welcome splashes of colour to the bedrooms 😊.
Tuesday Jessica and I also tackled the unpacking, sorting and putting away of all the Team Supplies. After doing it together for about 5 years I think we have finally hit upon the most efficient of methods, which meant that we got the job done in under two hours and were able to fit in a bit of knitting before she joined me for dinner. I made Mango and Eggplant Soba Noodle Salad one of my new favourites and with Summer Oolong tea, a ripe Honeydew melon and a fancy chocolate bar; it was a quite festive meal.
Now here we are at Saturday afternoon. Alana just called to book the Junior Youth Camp Staff wrap-up meeting, so as you can see, everyone is in “evaluation mode”! Before Wil and I head out for an afternoon walk it is time for a recipe.
Last evening Steven came for dinner and we were able to eat outside, even though it was a weensy bit chilly. We enjoyed Tuna Tabouleh followed by Lemon YoghurtCake. I found the cake recipe online and it is a real “keeper”, so do try it too!
Tuna Tabouleh
- 1 cup Bulgur Wheat
- 1 tin water-packed Organic Tuna
- ½ cup chopped fresh parsley
- ¼ cup each chopped fresh mint and cilantro
- 1-pint cherry tomatoes, halved
- 1 cucumber, diced
- ½ a white mild onion, diced
- 2 Tbsps. each olive oil, red wine vinegar & lemon juice
- grated rind of 1 lemon
- 1 tsp. Dijon mustard
- 1 garlic clove, crushed
- salt and pepper
Place the bulgur in a large heatproof bowl and cover with 2 cups boiling water. Allow to stand for approx. 45 minutes or until the water is absorbed. Place the bulgur in a large serving bowl and fold in the vegetables, tuna and herbs. In a small bowl whisk together the olive oil, vinegar, lemon juice and rind, Dijon and garlic. Fold the dressing into the salad. Cover and chill 1-2 hours before serving. Serves 4.