Easter 4

 Well despite the fact that we have had a few sprinklings of SNOW in Montreal this week, I can declare that spring has truly arrived because I have now seen THREE robins, YAY!  a joyous occurrence in this frigid part of the world. After last week’s glorious and even hot weather this week has been consistently rainy and cold so no further progress can be made on exterior spring work. I am very anxious to stain the front stairs and porch floor since they always take quite a beating from salt and gravel on the MANY pairs of boots that tramp in and out all winter, but I guess I just need to be patient.
       HA patience!!! a virtue needed around here in large quantities as still no more Team Applications have materialised and yet almost every day there is an enquiry from another new church hoping to host a Day Camp. Some of these people have to be told that there are no spaces available, always a difficult response, but usually tempered with the suggestion that they contact the community nearest to them, which will be hosting a Camp and ask if they will accept extra Campers (most places are only too happy to welcome more children). This way a new church can experience what our Program offers and be ready to apply early for next summer.
      So the juggling act continues and prayers for Team Members intersperse my days as I go over lists of potential applicants and compose “blurbs” to be placed in various Newsletters and on youth ministry websites. Our Church Schedule is almost FULL, which is fabulous this early in the Spring, but it is still a bit scary to promise all those Camps with no Teams yet to send, and so I repeat to myself have faith, believe “…and keep on working!
      The committee meeting last Monday evening was most heartening. I am continually grateful for such super committee members, their zeal for the ministry, their creativity and willingness to give so much to Day Camps is SUCH a blessing and for myself, the opportunity to physically meet with them sharing in a devotion time, a meal and then discussing all the needs of the ministry is truly invaluable.
       Yesterday there was an added bonus of “physical” support in the shape of Jillian who came for the day to catch up on everything (she had sent regrets to Monday’s meeting) and to assemble the music binders, which each Team carries. These important folders include all the sheet music and overheads. Eventually overheads will become completely redundant but for the present we are still including them in our supplies.
        Jillian also did some great “badgering” via email and text and it was super to spend a day talking “shop”. Although it is really not viable to employ a secretary any more I do miss the collegiality of working alongside someone else and will enjoy the help of various volunteers as we approach the season of “frenzy”!!!
       As previously noted, it has been impossible to progress with outdoor home improvements this week, so instead  I have done some indoor plastering and painting and am pleased with all the fresh results.

      Crafting was also squeezed in with the completion of a summer shrug, knit from some lovely organic cotton yarn, which I had received as a Christmas gift, also  the completion of my calligraphy commission, soon to be sent  off to the framers.So today is Bake & Blog, interspersed with a little outdoor sweeping and hopefully time to cut out another summer dress, since even though it is still mighty cold, summer will come!

A few friends have asked about my recipe for soft Greek Pita, which I use for Souvlaki and Gyros. I did search out a recipe online but it had some mysterious terminology, probably a translation problem. So here is my “Canadian” version.It is quick, easy and really way better than the bought kind.And here is the link for the super-easy Slow Cooker Chicken Gyros filling!

Greek Pita Bread

  •  3½ cups unbleached flour
  • 1 tsp. each salt and sugar
  • 1¼ cups warm water
  • 1 tsp. yeast
Place the flour and salt in the bowl of a food processor. Pulse a few times to combine. In a cup or jug that pours well, dissolve the yeast in the warm water, with the sugar. With the motor running, add the yeast mixture to the flour and process until the dough forms a ball. Remove the dough to a greased bowl and allow to rise for 30-45minutes. On a floured surface, divide the dough into 6 pieces and roll each into a 7” circle. Prick each pita all over the surface with a fork. Heat a large dry frying pan over medium heat. Cook each pita for 2-3 minutes on each side, or until lightly flecked with brown. Place
on a warm plate covered with a tea towel. Serve immediately, or wrap in plastic, to keep it soft until ready to use. 
These also freeze well.
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