November 1st, unbelievable!! And the month has begun with the usual grey and gloomy weather and even a forecast of snow for tonight. One hopes it is a mistake because the trees around the house still have lots of green leaves and the ensuing mess does not bear thinking of!! Meanwhile, daily raking sessions are keeping things under control and are a real pleasure on sunny days.
This week has been a bit of this and a bit of that. Work continues on the Creative Connection and now only 1 more “alternate” activity is needed, which should not be too difficult to puzzle out. The Fall issue of our CTM Newsletter is supposed to be emailed out this weekend, despite delays, but fortunately it is now out of my hands and I can focus on Day Camps issues, like the fall Coffee House, taking place next Friday evening. As usual, a bit of thought has to be given as to which hot drinks to invent but, by popular request, one will have to be Mulled apple cider, the quintessential “Autumn” quaff!
This week there have been a number of Day Camps related visitors beating a path to the door. Sarah (and her sisters) came for a final try on of the wedding dress and the result was pronounced perfect, so it also is now out of my hands!! This afternoon comes the consultation regarding Natalie’s wedding veil. So many CTM weddings!! At a time when older people particularly are always being quoted moaning about “young people these days” not making commitments it is truly a joy to me to reflect on all of these strongly committed young adults who are choosing to become part of God-centred marriages. It is also such an honour and privilege to participate in a variety of ways in their preparations……
Long pause there as Natalie and her Mum arrived with “the dress” and various bags and bundles! We had a good talk, made some plans and sketches (ALL.top secret!) and now it is almost dinnertime, whew! Let’s see, back to other highlights of the week in the world of Day Camps!

Well on Thursday I welcomed Anna and Nathanael for lunch. Anna is our amazing Slideshow Puppets creator, she is also about to have her second child, so with winter approaching and a long bus ride into the city for visits, this was our last chance to have some face to face time before the baby comes. I have mentioned Nathanael before; he is a real favourite of mine. Ever since he was able to talk he has had a special “friendship” with my dining room doorstop, which is a brick-filled stuffed Mallard duck, known to Nathanael as “Happy Duck” recently the duck has had a name change and now Nathanael chooses to refer to him a “Henry Duck”.
A few weeks ago Nathanael informed his Mum that Henry Duck had “called him” and wanted to visit, so Thursday they had their reunion, and we all had a good time visiting!
That evening Jessica came for dinner and helped me deal with the complexities of the CTM Facebook page, which was sorely in need of some updating. All in all, quite the day.
Tomorrow I am preparing for a Children@ St. Stephen’s teaching on Holy Communion and we are going to be baking a new batch of bread to freeze in the church kitchen and use at future Communion Services. Then in the evening it is the monthly SYC Bible Study, prior to which one of the Team Leaders is joining me for a knitting tutorial and supper.
Speaking of which, I’m getting pretty hungry so perhaps it is time to close off with a recipe.
For lunch on Thursday I served Vermont Quesadillas. They are really easy and yummy and very appropriate during the height of Apple Season!
Vermont Quesadillas

- 3 apples, cored and thinly sliced
- 2 Tbsps. butter or margarine
- 1 Tbsp. sugar
- 1 tsp. cinnamon
- 4 oz. grated sharp cheddar
- 4 thin slices ham
- 4 8” whole-wheat flour tortillas (recipe here)
In a large cast iron frying pan melt the butter and sauté the apples for approx. 10 mins, or until softened but not mushy, sprinkle with the cinnamon and sugar and continue cooking for another minute or so until caramelised. Set aside.Lay out the tortillas on a flat surface. Top each one with a slice of ham then arrange the apples and finally the cheese on one half of each tortilla. Fold over to form a half circle and press firmly to seal. Return the frying pan to medium heat and place 2 quesadillas in it. Cook for approx. 3-5 minutes on each side, or until heated through and lightly browned. Transfer to a warm platter and cook the other 2 in the same way. To serve, cut each quesadilla into 2 wedges using a sharp knife or kitchen shears. Serves 2 hungry people!