With fall well and truly established, it seems that the pattern of Day Camps 2015, is slowly emerging too! Each week seems to bring one or two more tiny snippets of “progress” and although they are small they are all significant. After the New Year, well I know, activity will suddenly explode and the speed of progress will ratchet up until the inevitable whirlwind of late spring, so for now these small beginnings are part of the slightly less frenetic pace and thus to be savoured!
This week saw two of these pattern pieces, the first was the arrival of our “Something to Celebrate” logo, freshly minted by a former team member who is now a talented illustrator working out of Wisconsin. Secondly the new version of the Clergy & Coordinator’s Planning Guide is now a completed draft and has been sent off to Arnee, our long-suffering Program Manual Typist, to be critiqued.
Yesterday also saw the tidying up of a 2014 loose-end, with the return to base of the last set of Team Supplies, those that were used at our August Day Camp, which took place on Armed Forces Base, Bagotville. It was good to see the last Lamb brought back to the fold and reunited with the rest of the flock!
Throughout the week there has also been a flurry of emails regarding the upcoming CTM Newsletter, Networks, as well as sundry other bits and pieces. There have also been some church related meetings and a fair bit of prep work for tomorrow’s Harvest All Ages Service.
Has there been space for anything else? Oh, yes! Monday evening was Matthew’s first “crafts evening” at which I help him to prepare Autumn and Christmas gifts for family and friends.This week he produced a really lovely Harvest Wreath, which he proudly carried home to present to his Mum!

Fall gardening work continues, with, among other chores, the harvesting of herbs to bunch, and hang for drying. Last evening also saw the completion of a knitting project, consisting of seven little pairs of slippers, which my friend Donna plans to give as Christmas gifts. Now I will be able to get started on some of my own gift knitting!

Today I’m completing my Church lunch duty prep by baking 5 baguettes and yesterday I made a huge pot of Ratatouille. Because the oven is on this afternoon a few other items are being produced, including Pumpkin Whoopie Pies, Cream Crackers, and for dinner, Slumber Party Potatoes, a perennial favourite. These make a really tasty weekend supper, best eaten off a tray, whilst curled up on the sofa, in cosy pjs, accompanied by a couple of attentive furry friends and a CD of Harvest Music!!
Here is the recipe: –
Slumber Party Potatoes

4 large baking potatoes, scrubbed and pricked all over with a fork
1 bunch broccoli, broken into florets
- 8 slices bacon
- 1 Tbsp. butter
- 1 ½ cups milk
- 1 chicken stock cube
- 2 Tbsps. flour
- 8 oz. cheddar, shredded
Bake the potatoes for 45-60 minutes in a preheated 350F. oven. 15 mins. before the potatoes are ready, steam the broccoli and fry the bacon. In a medium saucepan melt the butter and add the flour, stir until the mixture bubbles and cook, stirring for 2 mins. Crumble the stock cube and stir in. Slowly pour in the milk, whisking constantly and bring to a simmer. Cook, stirring until thickened. Remove from the heat and whisk in the shredded cheese. Place over low heat until ready to serve.When the potatoes are ready, halve them and place on a serving platter. Surround with the steamed broccoli and top with bacon. Pour the cheese sauce into a warm jug or gravy boat and serve alongside. Serves 4. Yum.