Although the weather certainly does not indicate that summer is over, the lines of school buses and children on foot trudging past the house make it clear that holiday time is gone for this year!
This week a concerted effort was made to send out ALL the church Feedback Forms along with 2015 Church Applications and a letter of thanks to the 2014 churches and communities. So the slate is almost clear, except for a few churches, which might need reminding about a final invoice payment (ahem!) Thus all attention is now turned towards the 2015 schedule and the PROGRAM.
Already the first Team Gathering is less than a month away, it will take place on Saturday October 4th and we are pleased that Steven Craig (of the McGill Christian Fellowship) will be coming to tell us about the Mission Trip to China, which he helped to lead this Summer. Team Gatherings are such a great way to reconnect with all the Team Members. They are times of good fellowship, worship and super food and they somehow are able to recreate the special times of community we experienced at evening worship during the Training Retreat Week. I am really looking forward to October 4th!
Last Monday I met with Angela, who has graciously agreed to take on the organisation of the Fall Coffee House. We had a good meeting and I sent her a bunch of contact info for the various people who have expressed interest in helping, so hopefully planning for that event is now up and running.
Some work has also begun on the new “Parents/Family” Tab, which will be soon added to this blog. I have decided to launch it in place of the September Wednesday Words Post, giving us a bit of time at our next committee meeting to compile a list of guest bloggers and to approach the first person for the October slot!
I have also been wrestling with the Facebook presence of Day Camps. We do have a Facebook page for the organisation but it is currently extremely factual and dull so I am hoping to add a few items of interest. Since I do not have a personal account I cannot link Day Camp Blog posts to the Page so yesterday afternoon I met with a committee member to discuss possibly (just possibly!) opening an account. Being extremely leery of Social Media, I’m still not convinced I wish to get embroiled in this. She wisely pointed out -“I think you would be more comfortable joining an anti-Social network” This is perfectly correct, as I have no desire to “friend” anybody!!!!
Today’s post needs to be a bit short since at 11am a friend is picking me up to give me a ride to a funeral. I have never met the lady who died but her son has been an integral part of CTM for many years, principally with Senior Youth Camp and Crossroads, so I feel it is important to go and support him as a member of this community. Then at 5:45 this evening the Huyer’s flight arrives from Nova Scotia. As mentioned last week, I have been “watching” their car outside my house while they were on holiday in Nova Scotia so tonight I shall drive out to the airport, meet them and then they are coming home to have a quick supper with me before they drive back to Ottawa.
I puzzled over what sort of meal I could prepare while simultaneously driving to the airport and have decided on this Chicken Gyros recipe, which I have used successfully a couple of times this summer. The slow cooker can be plugged in before I leave the house and when we all return it will not take long to get supper on the table. Yesterday, in preparation for this meal, I prepped the chicken mixture, made a batch of Tzatziki, iced mint tea, cut up tomatoes,
washed lettuce and even set the table. Today I just need to get some cookies out of the freezer and prepare a platter of fresh fruit and dinner will be ready to roll!
washed lettuce and even set the table. Today I just need to get some cookies out of the freezer and prepare a platter of fresh fruit and dinner will be ready to roll!
Next week’s calendar further reflects the reality of a return to the season of meetings! Almost every day on my iCal, there is at least one event scheduled. Still no sign of the plumbers for the furnace and now their coming will be further complicated as I really need to be at home while they are working, both to wrangle my “furries” out of harm’s way, and to cook meals for the workers.
Tomorrow evening also marks the first SYC Bible Study, here @ 7pm, and for Children@ St. Stephen’s in the morning, I have discovered that we have not yet escaped the clutches of the minor Prophets since, in August, one was skipped over so I’m now off to complete plans around the Prophet Zephaniah. AGH!

the garden, baked Pita Bread (for the Gyros) and
have begun some serious work on my Christmas gift list, more on this as projects are completed!!
For a recipe –Apple Snow, which I made for dessert on Wednesday evening when one of the Team Leaders came for dinner and discussed possible pattern choices as she is about to take up knitting. (We decided on this shawl, which I have made several times and just love!)
Now, before my ride arrives, here is:-
Apple Snow
8 medium apples, peeled, cored and cut in wedges
Place apples in a heavy casserole, cover and bake ay 350F, until apples “fall”, approx. 30-45mins. Cool slightly then mash with a potato masher, until fairly smooth. Set aside to cool.

- 2 egg whites, at room temperature
- 1/8 tsp. lemon juice
- 1/3-cup sugar
Place egg whites and lemon juice in a mixer bowl and beat until foamy. Gradually beat in sugar until a glossy, stiff meringue forms. Gently fold applesauce into the meringue and either spoon into individual dessert dishes or place in a serving bowl. Serves 4-6.