Wednesday Words

        Well here we are at the June Wednesday Words Guest Blogger Post. Linda Agustin is an amazing “behind the scenes” worker in the world of Day Camps. She is a member of our Prayer Support  Group as well as mother of two of our extremely dedicated Team Leaders and committee members and, as you will read… a Billet. Welcome Linda!

Hello everyone, I am Linda Po Agustin, AKA the mother of the Agustin girls. I was introduced to Crosstalk day camps  6 years ago when daughters Janice & Jillian joined the travelling teams. Since then, I have been involved with day camps as church coordinator, prayer warrior, unofficial spokeswoman to other Filipino churches, and billet. But today I’m only going to talk about being a billet or host to the travelling team members. The  first time we billeted was also the first time our church (First Filipino Baptist Church of Montreal) hosted day camp.  The Montreal team lead by Janice had an unfilled spot and two weeks before the start date, we decided take it ! By God’s grace, though our first day camp was organised at the last minute, we had enough parish helpers and about 20 kids who attended. By default, we ended up billeting and have done it ever since. Last year, it was Jillian’s team of 5 that we billeted. So why do I billet year after year ? Simple- because the Bible tells me to! In  Romans 12: 13, Paul commands us to share with the Lord’s people who are in need and to practice hospitality while in 3 John 1:5-8, the Apostle John wrote to his friend Gaius “ Dear friend, you are faithful in what you are doing for the brothers and sisters, even though they are strangers to you. They have told the church about your love. Please send them on their way in a manner that honours God.  It was for the sake of the Name that they went out, receiving no help from the pagans. We ought therefore to show hospitality to such people so that we may work together for the truth.” So, what’s in it for the billets? Firstly, you get to know young Christians that you probably would not have a chance to meet. Secondly, you are wisely using the resources God gave you (house, car, food) for His kingdom building. Thirdly, by serving His people, you are actually serving God.  Most importantly, you are helping to fulfil the Great Commission!  For those of us who work during the day and are unable to volunteer in the actual running of the day camp, it is a good way to be involved.  And billeting has other benefits!  I have been blessed to hear and witness the impact of day camps not just on the children who attended, but also on the travelling members. It is a joy to see young people committing their summers to make Jesus known to other kids and to hear their stories first hand. As a Women’s retreat speaker, I have even held them up as examples to encourage our church ladies to overcome their hesitation and feelings of inadequacy in serving God. To be a billet is to be a blessing; if you want to be blessed, then try being a billet!

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