Happily, as of yesterday morning, ALL the Feedback Forms have been emailed to the clergy and coordinators of their respective host churches and I can breath big sigh of relief, feeling that, at least from this end, the mission of Day Camps 2013 has now been accomplished! A few quick emails of “thanks” have already arrived from the recipients. I’m sure at least some of them are equally anxious to wrap things up at their end too. Also the door is now open for receiving 2014 Church Applications and in the coming week we should have both Team and Church Applications available here on the Blog for easy downloading.
By the end of the month the letters and forms will go out to churches, who have asked to “hear more” and thus have made it onto my 2014 list. For those new connections I would especially like to be able to include our colour flyer and as that is still a bit up in the air we will have to be patient and wait a bit to send out those packages.
Retooling and rewriting the applications and cover letters, along with a few other bits and bobs has filled up most of my Day Camps’ week. The poster for the October Team Gathering did not get designed so that task is high on my list of priorities in the coming week. It is never too soon to start Badgering Team Members about attending this event!
On the home front, Wednesday morning I had a not too chaotic visit with my friend Jill and her two “littles”. We discussed Day Camps as well a crafty things, the back-to-school adventures of her two older boys, and Jill’s new job as Coordinator of Family and Youth Ministries at the church they attend. Wednesday was also “baking day” so that afternoon I produced:- 2 loaves of Gluten-Free Bread for my friend Sue ( a weekly order), Norwegian Crispbread, Butter Tarts,Lemon Raisin Chocolate Chip Cookies and Pesto Pizza (for my dinner!)
I started knitting a pullover in the gorgeous Alpaca yarn I was given last Christmas but I know it is not going to work as it just does not “feel” right. I have been having a lot of trouble looking for a sweater pattern for this yarn, as most patterns calling for it seem to be for hats and scarves. But I am determined and will either totally design something myself or find something in my stash of patterns from France.
Three autumnal Parandas were also made and a few more need to be run up to match my Fall wardrobe. The shawl which was started a couple of weeks ago is coming along well, it is to be a Christmas gift for a special friend.
Today started out lovely and sunny but COOL. It is really beginning to feel very “fallish” and we have had several evenings of bundling on the sofa under a blanket.
As the day has progressed it has got steadily darker, no real rain yet but Wil and I took an umbrella on our afternoon walk just in case! Fortunately, I took the time to mow the lawns yesterday, so this morning was just a short wiffle round the garden, which is taking on its own special look for fall.
In a little while Victoria will be arriving from Ottawa. She is under a tight deadline to complete a Masters’ Thesis and so is escaping husband, 2 little boys and dogs and is seeking sanctuary here for 24 hours. I do not expect to see much of her (except at meals), as she will need to cloister herself away in some corner with her laptop and a pot of tea! However meal preparations have been underway today. The dinner table is set and I have just finished making a yummy carrot and sweet potato soup, which we will have for lunch tomorrow withTabouli. I like carrot soup but have had a few watery or insipid ones in the past. This one is very tasty and nice and thick and creamy.
Carrot and Sweet Potato Soup
- 1 ½ lbs. carrots, peeled and sliced
- ½ pound sweet potatoes, peeled and diced

- 1 apple, peeled and diced
- ½ tsp. fennel seeds
- 1 ½ Tbsps. Olive oil
- 5 ½ cups vegetable stock or water
- 1 bay leaf
- ½ tsp. curry powder
- 2 Tbsps. white Basmati rice
In a large pot heat the oil over medium heat. Add the fennel seeds and stir until toasty. Add the carrots, sweet potatoes andapple and cook, stirring, for 5 mins.Add all the other ingredients, bring to a boil, cover, reduce heat and simmer for 30mins. or until rice and vegetables are cooked. Remove from the heat and strain the solids, saving the liquid. In a food processor, puree the solids, in batches, with a small amount of liquid. Return to the pot and whisk together with the remaining liquid. Reheat gently. Serves 4.