Most of Monday and Tuesday was spent pouring over the notes relative to this task then, with the evaluations and accompanying letters folded and sealed (with sealing wax!) into the
envelopes, I was able to tackle the 10 prayer letters I had promised to write for SYC Campers.

As of Wednesday I still had baking to do for taking to Camp in my “care package” for the Huyers and the big task of sewing and
embroidering Wiliam’s Birthday Crown.

So, that afternoon I baked 2 flavours of Biscotti and also prepared a jar with a variety of Organic Teas for the care package. Time
was running out to complete the Crown but by working quite late Wednesday evening, it was completed to my satisfaction (I sure hope William likes it

I could arrange, before leaving, to pick up the 80 copies of the Camp group photo from our super copy centre man, Henry. I said this would not be a problem f they sent it in EARLY. Well, needless to say, there were several glitches involving un-openable files and in the end the photos were not ready for pickup until 1130 am.
To add to the stress, the workshop coordinator had lost the carefully worded“blurb” I had written about Parandas and thus most of the 8 Campers who had
signed up appeared to think we were going to be making braided friendship
bracelets (sigh)

apart from a few technical problems (there was no CD player for the music so we made do with an iPhone hooked up to some speakers) the tutorial went well and
after about an hour of hard work the group seemed confident enough to organise more practices for yesterday and for today, prior to the Service. I am VERY anxious to know how it went in the end.
Was it possible to relax after that? No! I then rushed over to the dining room deck where 11 of my Team Members (a combination of both counsellors and campers) were waiting to receive their Evaluation packages. We prayed together and had a little visit so I could hear about their various Camp experiences and then the envelopes were distributed and one of the Team Leaders closed in Prayer.
It was now close to 5pm, my hoped for departure time, so I met briefly with Timothy and Victoria to give them a bunch of administrative items brought from the office, the care package, William’s stuffed Panda Bear (retrieved from the laundry at Isaiah 40!), his birthday gift and the photos.
Driving home I was confident I could make it back to NDG by 7pm to pick up my bi-weekly fruit box before the CO-OP closed at 7pm. Ha! Ha!
We clipped along nicely (apart from having to drive the whole way squinting into the setting sun) until I hit the South Shore suburbs of the city at which point all traffic ground to a complete halt. While being quite fond of driving standard shift when actually moving
forward I am not at all fond of doing so in a borrowed vehicle while inching forward in gridlock traffic at 6pm on a hot summer evening, with a large panting dog leaning over my shoulder! But that is what I did as the clock ticked towards 7pm.We finally pulled into the driveway a 7:40pm, having long since abandoned the possibilityof getting the fruit box, ending quite a marathon day. Rather than cooking the stir-fry, previously planned I ended up eating fruit and cheese at around 8:30pm, after cleaning up all the paraphernalia, feeding the dog, and making a suitable fuss of the lonely, and huffy cat.

Has there been time for much else around here this week? well not really. The two deck-side windows did get painted, and yesterday Ed put in a short appearance to begin adding the siding along the deck walkway.
pillar of our Day Camp Committee) was on Staff at Camp.

We started with a mixed salad, which included various veggies with pine nuts, capers and shaved Parmesan in an oil and lemon dressing. I had baked a ciabatta loaf too. Then we had big bowls of Italian-Style Steamed Mussels. Lastly, for dessert, I had made a fresh strawberry and pistachio Semifreddo. You can find that recipe here..
We were a little late starting as Ian had been on his own marathon excursion to procure a rented vehicle which was to be used today to go down to Camp to bring home 4 Campers and then tomorrow to help move their elder daughter into an apartment. But it was a lovely Summer evening and we lingered in the dark on the deck, until bugs starting biting us and the Hendersons headed home, as they needed to make an early start for Camp to
a Camper who left something behind there! I gave him a Staff member’s cell number to try in case someone was still there!
and passed the word around and have followed up on several possibilities but still no one has materialised. As always I am caught in a struggle because I would really love to be able to live alone. It is hardly as if I was always alone anyway as there is a constant stream of CTM people in and out of the house all of whom are very dear to me. But the luxury of living alone is financially unrealistic and I am also tormented by the feeling that to live alone is selfish as a Christianand no matter how difficult it might be to live with strangers somehow I should be doing that, and should be always working to build “family”,to serve as God’s steward in this place, and not to “keep” it for myself. These are the reflections I need to work through.
priced seafoods, they are nutritious, and they taste good!
Italian–Style Steamed Mussels
- 2lbs. fresh Mussels
- 1- 24oz. can diced tomatoes, well drained
or 4 large fresh tomatoes, chopped - ½ cup water
- 2 cloves garlic, minced
- 4Tbsps. Olive oil
- ¼ cup chopped fresh cilantro
- Freshly ground pepper