My! What a busy week this has been! One short week, which has spanned the close of Day Camps 2013 and the start of Senior Youth Camp (SYC), 2013!
But I’ll just backtrack to Monday and explain what has gone on since my previous
Post. Monday I worked to get the last of the Church invoices emailed out while simultaneously fielding an increasing number of phone enquiries about SYC. I also did a fair bit of cooking and prep work for …
Post. Monday I worked to get the last of the Church invoices emailed out while simultaneously fielding an increasing number of phone enquiries about SYC. I also did a fair bit of cooking and prep work for …
Tuesday, the Team Leaders’ Evaluation Meeting and August Committee Meeting marathon! The whole thing lasted nearly 6 hours (more than that if you count how long it took to wash up all the dinner dishes and generally tidy up after everyone was gone!)
It was a blessing to have all but one of the Team Leaders present, and all the current committee members also made it to most of the meeting (one via Skype).
We followed our usual format of the “4P’s”-Parishes, People, Program and Prayer.
Much territory was covered and many stories told of the 20 Day Camps, which took place over 6 weeks and 5 Provinces. I presented the annual “Chicken Awards”- Pysanky this year, and then we all dug into the Tuscan Meal I had prepared, which included all the makings for Tuscan Sandwiches (in homemade Baguettes), a delicious salad of Cannellini Beans, tomatoes and fresh sage, Iced Lattes, Hazelnut/Chocolate Biscotti and bunches of grapes.
After dinner the Leaders headed home (except for those who are also committee members) and we spent another couple of hours reflecting on the previous meeting and doing a bit of basic planning for 2014. Tuesday was a VERY long day!
With that meeting behind me I then launched into all the serious preparation for the SYC Pre-Camp Staff Training. On Wednesday I had a surprise lunch guest, our dear family friend, Pat, who moved back to the U.K. after retiring a few years ago but whom my whole family knew very well for years at St. Matthew’s Church. It was lovely to spend a couple of hours with someone I only see once a year!
Thursday was the Service of Prayer & Praise, held at Isaiah 40. 8 of the Team members were able to be there. We watched the SUPER Slideshow, Janice has made. (I really hope we can get it up on YouTube so everyone can share it!), the Team Members presented
this year’s Liturgical Dance for one, last, time and the congregation joined in the 2013 Theme Song (with actions!)There was plenty of time for prayers around both Day Camps and Senior Youth Camp plus intercessions for other Ministries under the CTM umbrella. Afterwards everyone shared in the refreshments I had prepared… another super –long, but also special, day.
this year’s Liturgical Dance for one, last, time and the congregation joined in the 2013 Theme Song (with actions!)There was plenty of time for prayers around both Day Camps and Senior Youth Camp plus intercessions for other Ministries under the CTM umbrella. Afterwards everyone shared in the refreshments I had prepared… another super –long, but also special, day.
And then it was FRIDAY! The start of Pre-Camp, and back into the kitchen at Isaiah 40, where I cooked intensively, making meals and snacks for the approx. 30 hungry Staff members, the majority of whom appeared to be well over 6 feet tall, with hollow legs! But it is nice to feel that one is helping to support another of our valuable ministries and the Staff
made me a lovely Thank You Card, in which many of them wrote such kind little notes.
made me a lovely Thank You Card, in which many of them wrote such kind little notes.

It is now Sunday afternoon and I know that 56 Campers are gradually descending on our rented Site at Camp Livingstone to participate in Senior Youth Camp 2013! I did not make it to church this morning but have spent the day getting my own house (temporal and spiritual!) back in order, and enjoying the contrast of making lunch for 1 instead of 30!
Since I am very much hoping to be spending the day,on Thursday, at Camp (there is still a problem finding a ride for us) I now only have 3 days to complete the 15 Team Evaluations, plus 10 Prayer letters, a “care” package for the Huyer family (the Directors, plus their 2 sons,
my Godsons) and William’s Birthday crown. I also hope to do some work on exterior house painting! A report on all of this next week!!
my Godsons) and William’s Birthday crown. I also hope to do some work on exterior house painting! A report on all of this next week!!

I did manage to make Elves for the little boys as part of said care package, and hope to bake several kinds of biscotti, which are favourites for the adults. And I’ve decided to make the Prayer letters in the form of painted bookmarks with a Bible Verse on each. Will I get all of this done by Wednesday night???
Maybe I better finish off right now, so I can throw myself into one
of the other projects!!
This week’s Recipe is the aforementioned “Tuscan Beans with Sage” dish. It really has to be made with FRESH sage so if you do not have a herb garden of your own, head to the nearest Farmers’ market and buy a bunch!
Tuscan Beans with SagE
- 3 cups cooked Cannellini Beans (1 cup dry)
or 2 15oz. can 4 large tomatoes, diced, or 1, 28 oz. can
- 6 cloves fresh garlic, minced
- ¼ cup fresh sage, chopped
- 1 Tbsp. olive oil
- 1 ½ Tbsps. lemon juice
- Salt & pepper to taste
Heat the oil in a large skillet and sauté the sage and garlic for approx. 10 minutes, or until the garlic is golden and the herb is fragrant. Add the beans, tomatoes and lemon juice reduce the heat to low and cook for 10 more minutes, season with salt and pepper. Serve immediately or chill and serve later.
Serves 4-6 as side dish.