In typing these words the “Spring” element seems somewhat ironic, having spent a goodly portion of this morning shovelling snow!
Yesterday saw 15cms of mixed precipitation dumped on the city thus, the preparations for the “Spring” Team Gathering have also included unrolling the giant hall floor mat and arranging a bunch of boot trays! Sigh. Earlier in the week it was most Springish with many sighting of early
flowers. Fortunately most bulbs are very hardy and should recover after an extra dousing of snow and ice.
flowers. Fortunately most bulbs are very hardy and should recover after an extra dousing of snow and ice.
As far as progress goes in the world of Day Camps, I am ecstatic to report that the Luke Street Program Manual is totally completed and a finished print copy complete with Josiah’s lovely cover design (in COLOUR!) is sitting in front of me as I write. Day Camp Coordinators will be receiving thepdf version this coming week.
Thursday morning also saw the completion of the Team Supply Inventory and Alexander will be picking up the shopping list when he arrives for the Gathering this evening.
Thirdly, the Music Binders should also be complete as of later today. Henry was able to do all the copies, even the acetates, and Angela is coming a bit early tonight to place them in the Binders so she will be able to take one home with her and begin the recording of the 2013 Song CD.
I must confess that, although there is a ton of work involved, preparing the Program itis such a delight of organisation, so clear cut, so many check lists to tick off, so satisfying; compared to the agony of recruiting Team and the nail-biting complexity of filling the chart of Host Churches and Communities! But life is a balance of satisfying and agonising challenges and the Master Planner is, thankfully, the ultimate One in charge!

have come together and the Bishop has sent him in to help make things happen.
He thinks Day Camps would be just the thing for this community! We are praying that a new door will open and one of our Teams will have the opportunity to be a
part of this exciting initiativ
So I’m pretty well ready for this evening. I just had a call from the Mum of 3 Teenagers, who are considering applying for Team. She let me know that they are all coming, this brings the total to 19 so I just rushed around and added 3 more of everything to the buffet set up and hauled 3 more chairs into
the living room!
the living room!
I have made a Tuscan Salad and am also contributing a platter of watermelon and, of course, the drink that is another punchbowl of lime-raspberry infusion (see previous post!
I’ll just add the Salad recipe then I need to take Wil for another slushy walk. More tomorrow on the Team Gathering.
Tuscan Salad
- 2 cans Cannellini Beans (drained and
rinsed) - 1 can tuna. flaked
1 medium red onion, finely sliced
- 3 Tbsps. olive oil
- 3 tsps. lemon juice
- 1 Tbsp. crumbled sage leaves
- ¼ cup chopped Italian parsley
Place beans, tuna, onion and parsley in a large serving bowl and toss gently. Combine olive oil, lemon juice and sage. Whisk well and pour over salad. Sprinkle with parsley. Serve at room
Serves 4-6
Sunday Thoughts…

The Team Gathering went off very well. 2 young people did not turn up out of my whole list, which isn’t a bad percentage. Ed, our Speaker, did a good job of connecting with the group, Josiah had chosen some great songs, Jessica had produced excellent PowerPoint slides of them and a couple of the boys played djembe, as well as Josiah on guitar.
The food turned out well too, with a good variety and plenty for
everyone! And the whole place was cleaned up by 930pm, an added bonus as I am
always up early on Sunday.
Since it was still very slushy it seemed best to take the bus to church rather than take my bike and turn up there covered in mud! Nick preached on Luke 24:36-49, another of the “Resurrection Stations” as he refers to them.
Following the sermon he showed this excellent video, which comes from the UK’s Church Mission Society. It is most worthwhile watching. From a personal perspective it made me feel extremely thankful for having the privilege of working for a small Mission Society whose mandate is :-
“ Helping People of All Ages Become Strong Disciples of Jesus Christ”
Observing the group gathered in my livingroom last evening gave me a renewed sense of purpose and a real desire to do my very best in the weeks ahead to equip them, and others still to come, so that they will be well equipped as they fan out across Canada this Summer. The road ahead is sure to be rocky, it always is but, by God’s Grace, and by working together,we will achieve our common goal!
This is great to hear Valerie! 🙂 I'm happy that you have found renewed hope for the summer. May God continue to bless and equip you with all you need to go forward in your work for Him, with joy and peace and faith and love.