As Holy Week draws nearer, this week has been spent trying to make contact with as many of the Clergy as possible before they are all overwhelmed by Easter preparation! There has been moderate success; I even managed to reach one of the Bishops on my list, not too bad.
The Manual is about to become a single, complete document, instead of the numerous Chapters, which have been emailed back and forth over the last couple of months.
The music binders are to be tackled during he coming week and the Song CD recording is in line for the first week of April.
I would feel more optimistic if a few more Team Members had surfaced but I suppose it is early days yet, although it can never be too early for me!
This Monday will be our March Committee Meeting so I’m very much hoping that we can look at some of the most pressing problems. It is always encouraging to me to have a few other minds put themselves to these puzzles as I feel less as if I’m working in a vacuum.

While Klara has been away,I decided to begin work on the Team Crosses. This year, in what appears to have been a moment of mental aberration, I decided to make them from a stash of weensy little beads, which a friend generously gave me a while ago. I have made 5 crosses (out of 24!) and it is slow going. The cord I’m using slides easily through a bead when used singly, but when doubled is VERY hard to push through; I think this year’s crosses will take a while to complete in my somewhat limited “spare” time!!
Tomorrow afternoon I’m going to make the dinner soup for the meeting. This month we are going to have Indian Mulligatawny (recipe below), with fresh chapattis and for dessert-orange cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. I think Ceylon tea will be best with this menu.

The second dozen Pysanky are slowly taking form. As this batch has more complex designs than the first bunch it requires a lot more work to establish the design with a lot of initial white lines and shapes to be waxed onto the eggs. One design is a horse, which is a bit tricky to draw with a tiny little funnel and molten beeswax!

Much sewing has also been done. This morning I completed the shopping bag with the monogram I have embroidered as part of my Lenten disciplines. I think my friend will like it. Of course, being quite mad, I have also decided to sew six fabric “buckets” (as per a pattern Jill gave me) in which to place the Pysanky and other Easter gifts, plus I’ve started knitting “Chubby Chirps” little birdies for each of my Godsons……. well Easter should be special after all!!
And thus the week draws to a close. Church tomorrow should prove interesting as we are having an Inter-Generational Service, which will include some Easter Preparations.
Here is the Soup Recipe….
Indian Mulligatawny
- 1 Tbsp. olive oil
2Tbsp margarine
- ¾ cup each, chopped onion, carrot, celery & apple
- 2/3 cup chopped green pepper
- ½ cup chopped turnip
- 2tsp salt 1/4 cup tomato paste
- ½ tsp. crushed red pepper
- 1 ½ tsp. curry powder
- 6 cups chicken stock
- 1Tbsp cornstarch, dissolved in ¼ cup cold water
- 2 cups diced cooked chicken
- 1-½ cups pureed chickpeas (1 can)
- chopped parsley
Heat oil and margarine in a large skillet. Add chopped vegetables, salt and spices. Cook stirring frequently, until onions are tender. Meanwhile bring stock to a boil in soup pot. Add cornstarch and water, stirring constantly until stock returns to the boil. Add sautéed vegetables and all remaining ingredients, except parsley. Heat to serving temperature. Serve, garnished with parsley. Serves 6-8
Sunday Thoughts:-
The Service, this morning did prove interesting! Paul and Tanya were leading our opening Worship set and Paul had chosen this song with which I was not previously familiar. He warned us it would be a bit tricky to sing, so I just enjoyed listening to their trio, with Paul on piano and vocals, Tanya on guitar and vocals and Nick on percussion. Following the opening songs and prayers, we were invited to split into 3 groups and pursue different interests- Easter Banner-making, a Palm Sunday Puppet show (video-recorded for next week) or an opportunity to reflect on the Gospel reading of the day. I went up with the Banner Group, and helped a little by putting out paint for the small children. We regrouped at the end for final prayers and a last song. Next Sunday I have agreed to lead the Children’s Ministry and so have been gathering ideas for a variety of activities (more on this next week!) The sense of anticipation is growing as we approach the Great Festival and I shall try and hold onto that feeling and also to complete all the projects and plans which are part of the Celebrations!