Lent 3

This weekend’s post is all jumbled into one since the past
couple of days have been devoted to the major “Changing of the Decorations” and
now, despite some very Wintery outdoor weather (see photos above!) indoors Chez
Taylor is very Lent/Easter /Spring-like.
     But I am getting ahead of myself and should rewind in order to report on the week in Day Camps world……
    Much time, this week, has been devoted to general Badgering of one sort or another as the urgent need to actually receive applications from both host churches and Team members is
becoming most apparent. At present we still only have one completed application in each category despite numerous promises. This really makes planning quite precarious and. lacking the deposits from host churches; it also makes Program preparation difficult.
    Working with the Liturgical Calendar, at least with all our Anglican hosts, means that important Seasons, like Lent usually take precedence over Summer Children’s Ministry so it requires a lot of patience and tact to winkle applications out of said churches.
     On a brighter note, Arnee is back at work and the Manual Chapters seem to be really coming together. I have given those working on the Slideshow a May 1st deadline for submitting their illustrations, and the Music CD seems to be in hand.
    Tomorrow I’m meeting with Tom and Sarah to do some strategising for the Spring Coffee House; it will be good to get that work underway.  All in all the usual roller coaster of Day Camps is pretty much in full swing and the weeks and months ahead are shaping up to be
the annual “bumpy ride”!!

  Thus I am pleased to have the house in order. Each time, once the decorations are completed with the last cushion cover sewn on, the last bow tied and the last candle arranged in the correct holder, I go through every room, hallway, and outdoor area of this place carrying a jar of Holy Water ( a gift from Father John at “The Sign”) and asking God’s Blessing and peace for the coming Season.

    So I guess I’m ready to let the Season unfold with all its attendant joys and woes. I have put this house in order and offered it for ministry so I should be set to just let it all happen!

Today was my day to serve lunch at church, so I shall be sharing my Carrot Chowder Recipe in a moment. Due to some rather dicey soup pots in St. Stephen’s kitchen, I had to do a lot of checking and soup stirring in order to prevent sticking and burning so I opted to spend the Service-time as an extra Nursery helper, sitting on the floor and playing with Tighe, Nico and
Chloe, thus I am sorry to say I cannot report on the Sermon, which was given by John
Milton, a friend of St. Stephen’s, who works at the Welcome Hall Mission. I did have a chance to chat briefly with him after church and he really liked my homemade bagels. I felt quite “Martha-ish” but hope that providing the Preacher with a decent lunch was a worthwhile way to offer myself for Service today!
     The Prayer appointed for this Week in the Divine Hours is another favourite of mine which I have committed to memory, so I will share it, just before the Recipe. Food for soul and body!

  “ Most loving Father, whose Will it is that we should give thanks for all things, fear
nothing except the loss of you, and cast all our cares on you who cares for us.
Preserve me from all faithless fears and worldly anxieties, that the clouds of
this mortal life may not hide from me the light of your love, which is
immortal, and which was manifested to us in your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now
and forever. Amen.”

    Carrot Chowder
  • 1 lb. ground beef
  • 2Tbsp olive oil
  • 1 medium onion, chopped
  • 1 green pepper, chopped
  • ½ cup celery, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1-liter tomato puree
  • 2Tbsp cornstarch, dissolved in 1 cup milk
  • 2 ½ cups shredded carrots
  • 1 tsp. celery seed
  • ½ tsp. dried onion flakes
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 cup shredded Emmanthal cheese, for serving
In a large soup pot, brown the beef in the oil, breaking it up with a wooden
spoon. Add remaining ingredients, bring to the boil, reduce the heat and simmer
for 30 minutes.
Serve topped with grated cheese. Serves 6-8. Freezes very
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