As I suppose is common with most working people, this has been a week of blessings and disappointments.
The world of Day Camps is always a bit of a roller-coaster, so I guess I should be used to it, but I still seem to find myself bitterly disappointed when set- backs do occur! In general, I like to think we are moving ahead, and sticking to the path on which the Lord has set us for Summer 2013. Manual Chapters continue to roll in from Arnee who has today,arrived in Oxford, where we trust Internet connections will be a bit more reliable! I have been keeping up with the chapters, as she sends them to me for proofing, and continue to badger those who still have not yet submitted theirs!
The “Guest Blogger” Project is going very well. All those who have been invited to write seem most enthusiastic about participating and the first two submissions have already arrived. Watch for the first one on February 20th! We have been less successful in adding the Prayer and Share Package to the Blog, as it appears that a zip-file cannot be posted.Earlier today I spoke with Wentworth (our technical whiz) and now have high hopes of a breakthrough in the near future! The 2013 Parish Supply List is also almost ready to put up so host churches will soon have easy access to that important document.
On the home front, I have been alone since Wednesday evening as, after writing her exams, Klara had the rest of the week off school and headed home to the family farm for some skiing. Of course I have tried to cram in far too many sewing, cooking and cleaning projects and find myself, this evening, still sewing buttons on my new messenger bag which I hope to carry to church tomorrow, meanwhile “ Dutch Rusks” are toasting in the oven as my bread baking activities were sidetracked when a friend dropped in unexpectedly late this afternoon. However 4 loaves of Stöllen, stuffed with dried fruits and almonds, are currently cooling on the kitchen counter, which is most satisfactory!
Well I guess I need to go check on the rusks again, sew on the buttons, send the zip-file to Wentworth, read this morning’s newspaper, do a bit of knitting……
And try to decide on which recipe to include this week!
Hmm.. I think the Tuna and Caper Sauce I had for dinner last night would be a good choice.
Tuna & Caper Pasta Sauce

- 2 Tbsps. olive oil
- 2Tbsp-minced garlic
- ¼ tsp. chili flakes
- ¼ cup tomato paste
- ½ cup white wine
- 2 tins organic tuna, drained
- 2 Tbsps. Capers, rinsed
- 2 28oz. cans diced tomatoes, with juices
- 2 Tbsp. chopped fresh parsley
In a large pot heat olive oil over medium high, add garlic and chili flakes and sauté briefly.
Add capers and tomato paste and cook, stirring for 2 minutes. Add wine and cook for 4 minutes. Add tuna and tomatoes. Cover, bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer, uncovered, on low heat for 25 minutes, add parsley just before serving over freshly cooked spaghetti or other pasta. Serves 4-6 (sauce freezes well)
Sunday Thoughts…

This being the first Sunday of the month, we had a celebration of the Eucharist at St. Stephen’s and Nick asked me to administer the chalice. I found the experience a particular privilege today as he had just preached on the Gospel story of the Wedding at Cana and the YouTube version was quite moving.
The Lord provided a beautiful Sunny Sunday today! so my walk home from church, although chilly, was not unpleasant. I did my Sunday “Hardware” shopping procuring a sponge–mop refill, ooo, really exciting!
As I walked I reflected on the discussion that had followed the sermon and the various insights members of the congregation brought to this well known passage, which is also the Day 1 Story in the “Signposts” Day Camp Program, the first program we ever hosted back at St. Matthew’s, about 30 years ago, whew!!
The week ahead appears to be filled with the usual combination of visits, meetings, piles of emails, Program Manual proofreading, sewing, baking etc. culminating in Tighe’s Baptism next Sunday.
Do not expect my next Post until Monday the 11th, as next Sunday evening I am also having the neighbours over for Chinese New Year High Tea……Kung Hei Fat Choi!