Cold! Cold! Cold!
That just about sums up this past week!! But I should refrain from complaining too much since I gather it has been the same pretty well across Canada, plus they have tonnes of snow in the UK!!! So much for Global Warming.
Last Monday’s Committee meeting was most helpful in dealing with the huge agenda, which I had compiled. 6 Stalwart Committee members (plus Owen!) braved the Arctic temperatures and came out to the meeting. Jill requested I post the Soup recipe on the Blog, so you will find it below!!We discussed the progress being made on the Luke Street Manual, and Jill told us how she is getting on with the ECM (Extenuating Circumstances Modifications), which she is compiling for use…well… in ECM type situations!! Just today, Anna has sent a documents on Games for Small Groups so we are going to add that, also, to the ECM Folder.
We also talked about prospective host Churches, both local and out-of-Province. I gave an update on the various enquiries, applications and “penciled in” requests, we have already received and the last few days have brought in several more possibilities, which is most encouraging.
There was quite a bit of conversation about the need to recruit Team of Leadership age, particularly in light of the disappointing news out of Bristol. I have contacted a former Team Leader, (now an Ordinand) at Cambridge and am hopeful he might be able to help. Even one Leader would be a start. Two of the local people who are applying will be suitable as Leaders, but we do need 6 so we will be asking our Prayer Support Group to remember this concern.
A March Coffee House had been scheduled but we have decided to look at one in May instead. Several people are not able to participate in March and, by May, Day Camp planning should be well in hand (ha, ha, ever the optimist!) and students are mostly over their exams by then. Tom has accepted the position of Coordinator for the event so now we just need to find out if there is a Saturday available, in May, when we can book Lennox Hall at Isaiah 40. More on this once we have a date!!!
The rest of the week has been spent, for me, on following up on all of the results of our meeting discussions. I have even compiled the Guest Bloggers list and hope, by mid-February, to bring you the first of “Wednesday Words”.

At home there has been baking and sewing and knitting. I finished my scarf made from yarn sent to me as a Christmas gift by my former Boarder, Maria. I am also really pleased that I have managed to complete a Baptismal gift for my “Godson Elect”- Tighe! .
On Tuesday there was the CTM Board of Directors meeting, which we hold every second month, and which now takes place at our Dining Room table, aka- “the Office”. Amazingly the whole Board turned out, again on a frigid night. It was a blessing to hear our Treasurer tell us that we actually have money in the Bank at year end, whew! always a bit of a cliffhanger, when you work in Missions.
There have also been visitors- today I had brunch with a former Team Leader who I had not seen for nearly 2 years. I was very glad to spend time with her again, as I have been worried as to how she is doing. She has asked me if I might consider giving her sewing lessons. I am praying that this plan will work out as it will mean I do get to see her regularly, and maybe have time to draw closer to her again.
And so the week comes to a close. I trust I will be at Church tomorrow. Wil is on the mend although I have had several sleepless nights, dragging on my warmest coat and taking him out up to 6 times in one night! Poor fellow, he has certainly reaped the results of eating inedible objects!! Glad to say my fingers are healing up quite well too!!
So here is the soup. And maybe tomorrow, I’ll add a few Sunday Thoughts
Butternut Squash, Bacon and Potato Soup
- 2lb. butternut squash, peeled and cut in chunks
- 1lb potatoes, diced
- 1 Tbsp olive oil
- 8oz. bacon, cut crosswise into 1” strips
- 1 large onion, diced
- 2 garlic cloves, minced
- 5 cups vegetable stock
- 2tsp. cornstarch
- 2 Tbsp heavy cream
- 1 tsp. cumin
- 1 tsp. coriander
- Hot sauce to taste
- 1 1/2 cups shredded Swiss cheese
Heat the oil in a large saucepan and cook the onions and garlic until softened. Add the bacon and cook for another 5mins. Stir in the spices and cook for a further minute. Add the squash, potatoes and stock, bring to the boil and simmer for 15mins. or until the vegetables are tender. Mix the cornstarch with 2 Tbsp cold water and stir into the soup, along with the cream. Bring to the boil and simmer for 5mins. Add hot sauce to taste. Serve with crusty bread and grated cheese, to sprinkle on top.Serves 4, multiplies and freezes well!
Sunday Thoughts……. since it was “only” -13C today I took the bus to church (meeting some dear friends on the same bus made the trip go very quickly) and walked home. Part of the reason for being mad enough to choose an hour-long freezing walk was the opportunity to procure an obscure type of light bulb, at Hogg Hardware, which is about halfway on my homeward route.
I’m really pretty much “anti” Sunday shopping except in emergencies, but the kitchen light has been out for the past 10 days, and the nearby hardware store does not carry the bulb, so.. I shopped!
I really prefer to take a strictly residential route when walking home as I like to reflect on the Service and hang onto a special “Sabbath” feeling, even if only for an hour or so after Church!

Klara begins her exam week tomorrow so I’m trying to plan some super nice meals to encourage her and keep up her energy level. Well I guess it is time to haul on my coat and boots again, as a certain furry person has just put a heavy paw on my lap!
"disappointing news out of Bristol"… did I miss something?