This past week kicked off with the monthly Day Camp Committee Meeting. Although only 5 of us could make it ( well 6, if you count baby Owen) we had a productive meeting after chowing down on Winter Borscht (recipe below) and pumpkin bread pudding. We reviewed the work already undertaken on the Slide Show and, after listening to the sound track decided that, yes, we do really need to re-record the audio as well as re-illustrating the stories. Whew! It looks as if there will be a lot of “Program” related activity next spring.
I reported on the November “reminder” mailing and the responses that have come in. It is encouraging that several churches are already asking to reserve certain dates for 2013 Camps. Since Monday I have also been in contact with more potential churches in the hopes of encouraging Day Camps in a few new locations.
I feel the need to do all I can next week to keep up this momentum as most Clergy and Church Coordinators disappear off our radar screen from the beginning of Advent until early in the New Year. Of course there will be plenty I can do over Christmas in terms of planning and badgering Team Members. So that shall be my focus in the coming month.

Early in the week in a moment of mental aberration I decided to make a dragon for Malachi’s 6th birthday, on the 27th, (hence the title of this post!) The pattern I have is ludicrously complicated but, with a few modifications I managed to complete the project yesterday and am happy with the result. I just hope he is a “hit” with Malachi!

I also sanded and painted a mirror and dresser for a friend, and this evening, I hope to complete four pairs of booties, another crazy complicated pattern, but well worth the effort. The pattern comes from this book a pattern from which I used a while back to make baby Alexander’s trousers.
This afternoon I’ve been into more Christmas baking and in the week to come I’m going to paint plates on which to give the squares I’ve baked as gifts for several families.
Here is the Winter Borscht, a favourite around here! Tomorrow I’ll finish off this post. Still no comments on the new design (the font colours have already been made more legible, THANKS Josiah!)
Winter Borscht
- 1 cup chopped onion
- 1lb. ground beef
- 1cup diced raw beets,peeled
- 1 cup diced carrot
- 1/2 head shredded cabbage
- 1/2 cup pearl barley
- 2 bay leaves
- 8 cups water
- 2 cups diced raw potatoes
- ¼ cup each fresh dill and parsley, chopped
In a large soup pot brown the beef and onion. Add all the other ingredients, EXCEPT the fresh dill and parsley. Bring to a boil, cover and simmer for 30mins. Add herbs and simmer for 10 mins. Serves 6

Sunday Thoughts:-
It was REALLY cold biking to church this morning and I know that very soon I shall have to give up my “free” mode of transportation and take the bus. (sigh) but I did dress properly with a hat under my helmet
( the one I finished knitting last week), warm mitts, flannel-lined trousers and about 4 layers of sweaters!
There was an air of expectation at church too, as we read the Collect* for the Last Sunday of Pentecost.We sang a number of songs which remind us to get ready for Christ’s coming. we even sang U2’s”40″!! Then a guest preacher unpacked Hebrews 3 which was largely about the “training” we undergo in our “Wilderness” experience of life as followers of “The Way”. The Dragon was a BIG success and Malachi insisted on it accompanying his family when they went off to have a Christmas photo taken,after church!
And now the darkness of a late November afternoon is drawing in. I’m going to light the fire and serve High Tea in front of it, just as soon as Klara returns from her home in the country. Scott is back tonight, although he will be leaving for his home in Ireland come Thursday.
“Almighty and everlasting God, whose will it is to restore all things to your well-beloved Son, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Mercifully grant that the people of the earth, divided and enslaved by sin, may be freed and brought together under his most gracious rule; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen”.