Although we are only in early-mid November, this past week I have really felt as if some progress is being made towards Day Camps 2013!!! On Monday I FINISHED my Autumn quilt. I just LOVE it and am only sorry that, due to a variety of circumstances, I have only had 1 week to enjoy its beauty and cosiness because, starting tomorrow I am going to be “Changing the Decorations” for Advent and Christmas.

Monday evening saw Jillian come by and insert all the new Coffee House pics into the slide show, so please take a few minutes to watch it, you will see photos of each ‘set” and also of our very eclectic audience! Throughout the week I also put together my annual “November Reminder” package and emailed it off to all our 2012 Churches plus a list of 2013 “possibles”. Several positive responses have already come in, which is most encouraging.

Thursday and Friday I rewrote the introductory pages of Luke Street and pasted our wonderful new
poster design into the Manual Cover format. I’ve been in touch with Arnee, our totally fabulous Manual Editor/Typist and have agreed to start sending her these docs, plus the Creative Connection Chapter so she can make an early start on things.
–> To round off the week, I heard at 630 pm this evening that FFBCM Church is willing to host one of the Training Camps, again, WOOT! WOOT!! Jen, from Promise Church, has already indicated that they are also up for this special challenge so that is 2 out of three Training Day Camp locations established. Thanks be to God!! As usual, I have been having a baking afternoon today. All my Christmas Cookies are already done but I’m about to launch into Christmas yeast breads so today it was just things for immediate consumption:- Apple Muffins, Oat Scones, Whole Meal Shortbread, 2 Gluten-Free Loaves for Sue (a weekly standing order) and, for my own dinner a big plate of Roasted Winter Root vegetables.

I’m going to share the recipe as they make a super Vegetarian Dinner, then I’m going to get back to crocheting my second funky “Granny Square” tea cozy. I’m hoping to make 4 of these as Christmas gifts for special friends. I’m super-pleased with the first one! Tomorrow I’ll add the photos and get this Post up. Still no dramatic Blog-design changes, since my “techie’ helpers are all students, I need to be patient and wait until school work is in hand before extra jobs like Blog tweaking can get done! Here you go….

Roasted Winter Root Veggies
- 8 cups assorted root vegetables cut in 1inch chunks. eg:-parsnips, carrots, potatoes, white turnips, rutabagas, beets, onions, garlic, brusselsprouts.
- 1 tsp. each dried basil, thyme and oregano
- 2 -3 Tbsp Olive Oil
- ½ cup crumbled feta cheese
Sunday Thoughts – Once again the day has flown by with all the early morning chores, the bus ride to church, the long walk home, raking, walking Wil, making a big pot of Root Veg Soup etc. Today is Remembrance Day. I must confess that I was worried that no mention of it would be made at St. Stephen’s, but my fears were allayed as I saw a slide up on the screen as soon as I walked in. It was a photo-montage of a soldier beside a flag at half-mast, with a poppy and a suitable text. AND Nick even paused his sermon at 11 am so we could have 2 minutes of silence. The Sermon today was based on Hebrews 1-2 and I was especially taken by Nick’s references to our “Personal Jesus”. He asked if we are all too easily drawn into a rosy little version of Jesus, that suits us and he challenged us to be in awe of the Son of God who is placed at God’s right hand and is superior to all the angels. I reflected a lot on this as I walked home and on a comment made by one member who mentioned that the upcoming Christmas Season is a time at which it is all too easy to look at the pretty “Christmas Card” baby Jesus and not at the one portrayed in so many other passages of Scripture. Since I’m going to be spending a fair but of time this week readying the house for the coming of our Lord, I’m certainly going to be praying that this Season of Advent my preparations will not be of the “pretty Christmas Card” type but that they might be fitting to greet the Christ who, although once an infant, now sits in majesty at God’s right Hand!