
       I think it is pretty obvious why we, in North America, tend to refer to autumn as “fall”.  Everything, these days is ‘falling”. Leaves EVERYWHERE!, temperatures plummeting, daylight beginning to disappear, the list goes on But I still like fall, the crisp air, the amazing angle of sunlight on golden trees, geese flying over and the opportunity to shamelessly hunker down under a quilt in the evenings, surrounded by my furries!

      Contrary to all the “fallings” there is a “rising” in energy level, which is a bonus at a time of year when the garden requires Herculean efforts to get it in shape for the winter! Last Monday I worked for 5 1/2 hours helping a neighbour get his garden in order and have spent countless hours the rest of the week doing the same at home!

       On the Day Camp front,I’m still stuck trying to find just the write song to choreograph for the  Liturgical Dance, nor have I had the courage to approach anyone to see if they would be willing to write something original for it. For several days this week I have  also been spending time in correspondence with a Sleep-away Camp Director in Manitoba, wrestling with the logistics of linking with him by sending a Team out to present our program on site at his camp. The camp caters largely to First Nations children and we do have experience in that field  but, like most Christian Charities, neither of us have the funding necessary to fly a Team out there  and it does not look as if he is in a position to pay for the program either. Monday evening is our next Day Camp Committee meeting and I have promised to bring forward the topic; if God really wants us out there He will open up a path. 

        Last Monday word came that our Bishop’s wife had died. She had been chronically ill for a long time so it was not a big surprise. Bishop Barry has been amazing, juggling the frantically busy schedule of a Bishop with making time to be there for his wife. 
       I attended the funeral yesterday and the Cathedral was almost full. I’m sure there were about 800 people there. It was a beautiful, thoughtfully prepared, service and the Primate preached. I had never heard him preach before and his sermon was really excellent, very well-crafted and just right  in every detail. It was a  most moving occasion and one I will not forget for a long time. 

This week I also completed the Christmas sweaters for my Godsons and started a pair of wool socks for myself. I’ve  made a start on button bracelets to sell at the Coffee House and yesterday my wool quilt batting arrived so I’m REALLY hoping to start work on “tying” my Fall lap quilt next week!

 Today I have been baking and cooking because it is my turn to serve lunch at church tomorrow. I have made my favourite vegetarian chili recipe and a batch of bagels, since they seem to be a prerequisite for all St.
Stephen’s lunches
I also took the opportunity to make 2 more batches of Christmas squares, since I had to put the oven on and I made my favourite- “Haloumi Bake” for my dinner.

While I was baking I had a wonderful surprise phone call from my former Boarder Maria, calling from her home in Saskatchewan. Of course I ended up dictating a couple of recipes to her, but we also talking about what each of us has been doing in the last while and had a great time of catching up on news! That call was a real blessing to me.

I thought I would share the chili recipe  as a “normal”-sized batch  serves 4 generously!

Vegetarian Chili

  • 4 cups cooked kidney beans (2 cans will do)
  • 2 onions, diced
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 Tbsps. olive oil
  • 1Tbsp each, cumin and chili powder
  • 1 tsp. oregano
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1/2 cup Bulgar
  • 1 28 oz. can diced tomatoes
  • 3 cups water

    In a large pot or Dutch oven, fry onion and garlic for 10 mins. over medium heat. Add spices and cook for 2 more mins. Add all other ingredients, bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 30minutes.

    Serve with topping of grated cheese or sour cream.

Sunday coda…….

     The chili went down very well and every single bagel was eaten! I was even offered a ride home right to my front door which was a great blessing since I had the humongous chili pot to carry, plus it was raining!
   I spent the afternoon sewing new curtains for Klara’s room,walking Wil (in the rain,ugh!),which entailed having a shower to warm up, hanging the curtains and painting flowers on the tie-back knobs, and finally an unexpected visit from my family friend and adviser ,Brian, who arrived in time to help get the curtain rods secured,….whew! quite a busy day!

    Our sermon this morning was on James 3:1-12  about the taming of one’s tongue, I think it will provide me with plenty of food for thought in the week to come! Blair led worship music today and we sang a song he had written himself, so I plan to muster my courage and ask him  about possibly writing our Liturgical Dance piece. More on this, and on tomorrow’s Day Camp Committee meeting, in our next…..


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