As usual the past week has been full of a number of Day Camp related activities, plus the many twists and turns of life at the Taylors’. Plans for the NOVEMBER 3rd!!!! Coffee House seem to slowly be taking shape and NEXT SATURDAY will be the Fall Team Gathering so both thoseevents are looming large on the calendar. It looks as if we will have a good turn out at the Team Gathering, I’m not quite sure if my plea for “healthy, if not totally organic” food has been heard, that remains to be seen when the dishes arrive for the
Supper. I intend to make a large pot of Crockpot Enchiladas and will also be contributing watermelon and the ubiquitous Fall drink- Hot Apple Cider.

On the home front, I am preparing to welcome Scott, a Youth Leader from Ireland who arrives on Monday for approx. 8 weeks. Klara is away at a soccer tournament in B.C. so I have this weekend to prepare for my great expedition to Ottawa to attend the Christening of my Godson Alexander Anthony. This important event occurs tomorrow morning so today I have been organising for the 7am (ugh) departure time tomorrow.
collapsible water dish, several very large carrots, a blanket and a paw towel (in case of rain).

During the week I also made a special wrist cuff/button bracelet as a Birthday gift for my friend Barb. I delivered it first thing this morning, as today is her actual birthday and enjoyed a cup of coffee with Barb and Ian before walking with Wil for groceries (Wil had light refreshment of 2 carrots)

The quilt top is completed and I’m now agonizing over whether to order wool batting on-line or settle for cotton batting which I can get locally. I’m tempted by the eco-friendly wool but cannot find a nearby
supplier, it is quite a dilemma. And so the week draws to a close but I’m not going to post this until I’ve been to the Christening as I’m sure here will be something of interest to share.

- ½cup, plus 2Tbsp sugar
- 2¼ cups flour
- 3 Tbsps. cocoa powder
- 1½ tsps. baking powder
- ¼ tsp. salt
- ½ cup chocolate chips
- 1 egg
- ½ cup plus 2 Tbsps. heavy cream
- 10Tbsps. butter or margarine
cream and sprinkle with remaining sugar.

So now it is 615 pm Sunday. We got home just after 4pm, after leaving at 7am- a long day! The Service was very well attended and the tiny storefront church was bursting at the seams. I was proud to “stand-up” for Baby Alexander and I earnestly pray that the Lord will grant me opportunity to be positive force in his Christian formation, as he grows into the person God is calling him to be.
Wil enjoyed the long car ride. I did not enjoy having to turn out in torrential rain to give him a good long walk after we got home. I’ve just eaten a simple supper of grilled cheese and apple sandwiches, with one of the Butter Tarts I baked yesterday for my dessert.
A very full day, but it was truly a Blessing to be a part of Baby Alexander’s, and all the Huyers’, special Sunday.