It was a no-brainer to think of a title for this week’s Post, since last Monday marked the first Day Camp Committee Meeting of the 2012-2913 Season! I was so relieved to be able to report to everyone that ALL
the Feedback Forms had been safely dispatched and that we have even had 3enquiries about Day Camps 2013.
I’m still hoping to be able to post a copy of Josiah’s “Luke Street” flyer but I’m waiting for him to convert it into a jpg in order to beable to insert it here. We covered quite a lot on the Agenda, after first consuming
Mediterranean Fish Stew,Sourdough Pumpernickel Bread, and an Apple Pie!
Jessica opened with a super Devotion and then we launched into planning for the year ahead (God Willing!!). We looked at a few more immediate
events like the upcoming TEAM GATHERING on October 6th and the Fall Coffee Houseon November 3rd. Since our resident Poster-maker, Josiah, is also designing a flyer for the latter, I’m hoping, very soon, to be able to post a copy of that as well. Jill is currently considering whether she will be able to Coordinate
that event. You can watch the slide show of our 2011 Coffee House, right here on the Blog!
We then spent time looking at each of the jobs which need to be filled in order to get the Program up and rolling. Some committee members have already volunteered to take on the rewriting and/or editing of various Manual Chapters and others have agreed to assist with SUPPLIES (ugh!!) and other key positions. A small group will also be meeting with Anna, next month, to review the new Prayer and Share Brochure Package which she has been working on.
I am excited that Janice, Jillian and Josiah (from here on to be referred to as “the 3 J’s”) are going to explore some new ways to retell the slide show stories for “Luke Street”,more on this after our next meeting.
Finally, we listed points of both Thanksgiving and Intercession which Josiah will be sending to our faithful Prayer Support Group so that they can pray over these concerns this month.
All in all we covered a lot of territory and I have spent the balance of the week doing lots of follow-up, providing documents to those who volunteered and linking all the different helpers. I think it is going to be a exciting and productive year!!!
In my “spare” time, I’ve been putting together a fall quilt and have made substantial progress. I still need to add a second border of smaller squares and then comes the actual quilting and binding work. I haven’t made a “real” quilt for ages so I’m really enjoying the whole process.
Of course there has also been gardening, baking, painting etc.
I did an extra baking today- 2 French Apple Cakes (you can find the recipe here), a batch of Gingerbread Oak leaves, and a large pan of Ground Cherry Squares. I particularly wanted to try the Apple Cake as I had a bunch of local apples in my last fruit box and they seemed just right for the job. One cake will be for Klara’s and my High Tea tomorrow and the other is going to church with me to send to a small family who are going through a rough patch.
For my own dinner I put together a small pizza with some wholewheat dough I had in the freezer, topping it with fresh tomato slices, a thick layer of grated cheddar and a sprinkling of fresh sage leaves from my
herb garden. It was very yummy and Wil drooled on my feet as I ate it!!! With Klara home at her family farm I’m alone this weekend which makes quite a change from last weekend’s whirlwind of comings and goings.
Next Sunday I shall be travelling up to Ottawa for the Christening of my second Godson and I’m hoping to make time in the next few days to really reflect on what this commitment means. And now it is Sunday evening with time to insert the photos and links and get this post UP! Our Sermon today was on James 1: 19-27 and Fred ( our Preacher) spoke about being “Relational” as Christians, how our relationships with each other are tied up in our relationship with God the Creator who made all of us in His image.I will be praying that I can forge special relationships with my 2 Godsons, that reflect a facet of this type of God-centered connection with one another.
And to end off on the usual culinary note……. A memorable dinner I made this week was-
Spicy Schewan Eggplant Over Udon Noodles
- 4 small Japanese Eggplants, diced
- 1 large onion, sliced
- 2 cloves garlic, minced
- 2 fresh chillies, seeds removed, finely chopped
- 3 Tbsps. vegetable oil
- 3 Tbsps. orange marmalade
- freshly-cooked Udon Noodles
Heat oil in a wok, over high heat, and fry onions and garlic until soft. Add chillies, eggplant and marmalade, reduce heat to medium andsimmer for 10-15 mins.,until eggplant is tender. Arrange noodles on a serving dish and top with eggplant.
Serves 2