
                I can really say that this week some progress, (especially on the Day Camps front) has actually been made!  Most excitingly, I did receive the Luke Street Poster from Josiah, so, by midweek, I was able to begin sending out the Feedback Forms and 2013 packages and I can report, with a (big sigh of relief!) that every Church and Community which hosted a Day Camp this past summer, now has their personalised evaluation, plus the necessary documents to apply for next year!
     A number of other Day Camps related events have also taken place during the week. Monday Jillian, one of the 2012 Team Leaders, came for dinner. She knows my boarder, Klara as Klara has been on the Parish Team at one of our Training locations, so it was nice for them to have a bit of a reunion and the Fish Tacos were pretty popular!
      Wednesday morning I had a great phone conversation with Bishop Michael, of Saskatchewan. There were a couple of outstanding issues from one of the Communities visited by our Teams and Bishop Michael, with words of truth and wisdom, was able to bring closure on the situation and also to offer some very positive comments about the work of the Teams, for which we were all most thankful.
        That afternoon, Jill came for a visit ( bringing Emma and Owen). We did lots of crafty stuff and also talked about the summer and Jill’s experiences of Day Camps in rural Saskatchewan, where  she and her husband served, when he was first ordained as a Priest.
       Then Thursday brought a visit from Jessica. You might notice some changes in the Slide Shows down the side of the Blog. Jessica will soon be posting the new 2012 Show through our You Tube Channel, plus a ton more photos will appear through the Flickr link!     

      We already have both the Team and Parish Applications available. Watch, also, for the new “Prayer and Share” Brochure and package, Anna is working on those items which we hope will be of help to Team Members looking for Financial Support. Jessica, Janice Anna and I are all planning to meet around this topic when Anna is visiting Montreal later this fall.
   Yesterday, I dropped off the painted silk scarf  which I made for my friend’s birthday. While at her house, she asked me if I would consider painting some murals on the walls of the bedrooms she is currently redecorating to accommodate the visits of her 4 tiny granddaughters. I have done a fair number of murals in the past and think it will be challenging to tackle the chosen themes of “Pegasus” and “Fairies”.

         And now it is Saturday afternoon. Currently about 15 Staff from Senior Youth Camp ( along with my 2 small Godsons) are holding their Staff Evaluation Meeting I am hunkered down in the kitchen, with my laptop and Wil and am preparing to feed this hoard in and hour or so.

Summer Garden Ratatouille
Grated Cheese
Freshly baked Baguettes
Brown sugar Shortbread
Lemon balm & Honey Tea ( it is cold today!!!)

         Sadly, I’m not going to be able to have Zelcko over to fix the Office/Studio light. My finances just won’t allow for this extra expense to be squeezed in so it looks as if Klara and I will need to trail an extension cord from across the room to give her a decent desk lamp for doing homework. Things could be a lot worse! and there are several more pressing items ( like the leaking washing machine and the non-functioning toaster) which I shall try and deal with.
             I was just talking to a friend today about  living with very limited means and how discouraging it can be if one lets a certain mindset take over. I read  this really uplifting post a few days ago and it spoke to me powerfully. I would encourage you to read it!
           In order to counteract gloomy feelings of self pity I have also, recently, made a decision to turn off the CBC Radio 2 Program during the hours when it is NOT playing Classical Music. I’m the sort of person who immediately picks up the lyrics and tunes of the so-called “Popular” songs played at other times, if they are not being played on the Radio I am much more likely to hum or sing the Hymns and Praise Songs I know off by heart, and surely I will find those much more uplifting, as I mop, iron or vacuum!!!
        Tomorrow the Huyers will be coming to church with me. I always feel proud to be able to bring “family” with me to Church …….so I’m looking forward to that. And I’m psyching myself up  for the Day Camp Committee Meeting which will be happening on Monday. This will be the first “proper” Committee Meeting of the new Committee and there is a lot to discuss. I’m very happy that nearly everyone can come, so I’ll have LOTS to report next week!!!

For a Recipe this week I thought I would just do something really simple, the dessert for tonight….

 Brown Sugar Shortbread

  • 2 cups all purpose flour
  • 3/4 brown sugar
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1 cup butter 

    Place dry ingredients in bowl of food processor. Pulse to combine. Add cold butter, cut into small pieces. Pulse until mixture looks like small peas.
    Turn onto a sheet of beewrap.Gather together, wrap and chill at least 1 hour.
    On a well floured surface, roll dough out 1/4 inch thick, cut out shapes and transfer to parchment lined baking sheets.
    Chill on sheets until firm. Bake in preheated 325F. for 20 mins.
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