“Suddenly, Suddenly, Suddenly”……..In one of her amusing
novels about the mythical County of Barsetshire the British author, Angela Thirkell, included a character who fancied himself as a “modern” poet.
His poetry consisted of lines such as……
“Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, he….Suddenly suddenly suddenly she…….”Etc.
suddenly”- Autumn has come rushing in like a steam train and Summer is rapidly receding into the past, although we have barely hit September!
A few weeks ago CTM was approached by a Master’s Student (Daniel), from McGill, who is working towards becoming a High School Guidance Counsellor. He is currently putting together a research project which will involve Students from the mid-High School grades in a creatively- focused exploration around
the theme of dis/engagement with education. The participants will be working with this theme using a variety of interesting media, including recording techniques, photography etc. Daniel needs 4-6 students for the project so I’ve been compiling a short list of possibilities gleaned from both this Summer’s Team Members and rom some SYC Campers.
Needless to say, I have spoken with our CTM President and with the SYC Directors about the proposal and everyone seems to be on board. It looks as if the first line of attack will be for me to email parents asking if they would be interested in having their young people take part. Daniel will be sending us a full package including parental permission forms along with his own credentials, so that everyone can
see that this is a bonafide study Stay tuned for more news as the project unfolds!!
This morning I was struck by the thought that the first Team Gathering is only 4 weeks away!….Horrors!!

realizing that that weekend is THANKSGIVING! Agh!!! Here we are enjoying Labour Day Weekend and Thanksgiving is only just over a month away.
comment something to the effect “you seem to like taking too much on and doing a bunch of extra things.” I responded that “ yes” maybe it does appear that away, and “yes” I am hopeless at saying “no” to people, but on the other hand I seem to have been given boundless energy (all that organic food!) by our Lord and thus I do want to squeeze every moment out of life, while I have that gift. And, in case you are wondering, I do (sometimes) have a treat of sitting down for a while and reading a good book (thank you, Jessica!)
Klara’s Mum, I used some of those scrumptious ingredients and made…
Italian Pasta Sauce

- 1-2 cups diced onion
- 2 Tbsps. olive oil
- 3 garlic cloves, minced
- 2 carrots, shredded
- 2 Tbsp, each, fresh Basil, Oregano & Thyme
- 1 can tomato paste
- 8 cups diced,fresh tomatoes
- 3 Mild Italian Sausages, casings removed
- 1 lb. ground beef
- 2 cups water
- In a large, heavy bottomed, Dutch oven, fry sausages, breaking up meat with a wooden spoon. Remove from pan. Add onion and garlic, sauté until browned. Add beef and olive oil (if necessary) and brown for 10mins, breaking meat up. Return sausage to pot and add all other ingredients. Simmer for approx 1 ½ hours. Serve over pasta or polenta.Makes 10-12 servings. Freezes well.