So now the week of Crosstalk’s two Residential Camps has drawn to a close, and all the Campers and Staff will have wearily returned to their homes, no doubt somewhat sunburnt and covered in mosquito bites!!
I have spent most of the Week feverishly preparing for yesterday, my annual “Day to Visit the Camps” day!
Monday and Tuesday I spent many hours pondering over and writing each of the 14 Team Evaluations. I did not actually seal up their envelopes until Thursday in case the mail brought any more pertinent info, which might be included.
Wednesday morning Jessica and I spent working over at the Supply Room. We emptied each of the 6 Team Supply Tubs, sorted everything and then packed it all into the appropriate tubs and boxes.
Finally, the whole flock was checked over and reunited in one spacious tub where each Lamb can now regale the others, boasting about their Summer exploits!
During the afternoon, on Wednesday, I turned my attention to baking a plum tomato and feta cheese tart which was to be the main course for my Camp Picnic. And since I had the oven on I also made 2 Gluten-free loaves for my friend, Sue, a batch of Granola, and 6 Ciabattas.
Then on Thursday I assembled all my supplies for the Organic Peppermint Lipbalm Workshop. a large bag of “Wil Supplies”, my knitting (of course) , a picnic basket with snacks, coffee and lunch equipment and a bag of treats for the Huyer Family.
In a moment of mental abberation I decided, at the last moment, to make a lion finger puppet for William, an “A” block for baby Alexander Anthony and a crocheted necklace for Victoria. I also painted and wrote a prayer card for them. All of this went into a shopping bag along with two bottles of my homemade Blueberry Kombucha.
And I painted 2 more prayer notes for other special friends,
There was also a bag of “lost and found” items belonging to several Campers, and most importantly the copies of the Camp picture which Henry (our amazing Copy Centre owner) had made. By the time everything was piled in the front hall it began to look as if I was leaving for a month in the Arctic instead of one day at Camp!!!
Yesterday morning I was ready to roll at 930 am, although my ride was 45 mins, late. But I was very grateful for free transport and doubly grateful for someone willing to transport Wil too!!
On the way down to Senior Youth Camp we drove thorough several heavy showers and I was starting to worry both about our picnic and about my scheduled “outdoor” workshop. Technically Wil is not allowed inside any buildings at Camp which can cause a problem if it is very rainy. Fortunately by the time we arrived it was merely overcast and so we managed both lunch and workshops outside with only a few drops of rain.
Prior to my Workshop I was able to distribute the Evaluations to all the Team Members who were at SYC and to have a final prayer and some goodbye hugs with those I will not see again.

We then launched into lipbalm production! I think they all seemed to enjoy making it and a number of Staff and Campers also got to sample some from the pot in which we had “brewed” it!

Once the Workshop was over, as I waited for my ride home I had a brief visit with my Godson and Godson to be and also chatted with several other Campers and Staff. Wil had a super time hanging out with all his friends but I think he was quite disappointed not to have a swim in the lake! After we said our final goodbyes we headed over to Junior Youth Camp where I had a chance to give out one more Evaluation and to have a short visit with the Director and Staff there too.
The drive home was also rainy and construction on the highway caused several delays. Poor Wil had to wait an extra 2 hours!!! before getting home to have his Supper and, by the time I had eaten mine I was ready to crash into bed myself!! But it was a lovely day. So special to have that brief time, again, with many of the Day Camp Team Members and to share, for a few hours in the special atmosphere of these Camps.
I thought it would be nice to include the recipe for the tomato pie. I’m not convinced that carrying it around for hours on a hot day makes for an optimum eating experience but, even slightly squelchy, it tasted pretty good!
Plum Tomato and Feta Pie
- 1 1/2 cups whole wheat pastry flour
- 1/2tsp salt
- 7 Tbsp butter or margarine
- 1/3 cup grated cheddar cheese
- 3-4Tbsp cold water
Place flour and salt in a medium bowl. Cut in butter until mixture resembles coarse meal. stir in cheese. Add water a gently mix together. Gather into ball, wrap in plastic and chill at least 1 hour.
- 2lbs. plum tomatoes, sliced
- 4oz. crumbled feta
- 3Tbsp dried bread crumbs
- 1 egg yolk, beaten
2Tbsp olive oil
On a floured board,roll chilled pastry into a 15 inch circle. Transfer to a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Brush pastry with egg yolk and sprinkle with dry crumbs. Arrange tomato slices, overlapping, on pastry, leaving a wide border. Top with feta.
Fold pastry border over edges of filling and brush with more egg yolk.
Bake in preheated 350 degree oven for 30-40 minutes.
Remove from oven and drizzle with olive oil.
Remove from oven and drizzle with olive oil.
Serve hot or cold.
Serves 4-6