Team Training Day

          First of all I must apologise for not having written any updates this week. I’m sure there were lots of things I could have written about but I had kind of hoped to write about a flood of new Team Members and, sadly, there have been no more additions since last Sunday evening when Michael joined up.
        So here I sit, continuing to pray and to write to everyone I can think of letting them know that we STILL need those 2 more Team Leaders.
      Oh, believe me, I do already know that God’s timing is not mine and lots of helpful people keep telling me that, but the situation does appear pretty dire and I keep thinking …
“well, what if the Lord has chosen people whom He thinks should step forward but, for whatever reason, they are refusing to answer His Call?” or…  ” maybe, because Day Camps are such a wonderful way to draw children to Jesus, Satan is working overtime trying to foil our plans for 6 Teams?”
    Fortunately, yesterday, I was able to put aside my personal fears and immerse myself in Team Training Day.
    We had a great day with 9 of our 13 Team Members present (the others all had very good reasons for not being there and will be joining their Training Teams at various points during this week)  Unfortunately, being a tad busy organising the day and running around tying up a million loose ends and trying to
corral a large, badly behaved Labrador, I completely forgot to take any

    But this is my top favourite one for the past week. 

 Jessica took it for me (because she is taller!) This AMAZING butterfly landed on the vine on my wall on Tuesday. I’m not the sort of person who looks for omens but the butterfly is such a powerful metaphor for the resurrection promises of Jesus that I cannot help but hold onto this image as a source of encouragement that God’s perfect plan will prevail for Day Camps too.

       And so the Teams are now in their 3 Training locations. I have asked the Leaders to see that I receive some good pictures of the Day Camps and cannot promise but I will TRY to post some mid-week!!. Meantime, someone has a few words to say….

         “Hello everybody, I am patiently waiting here to be picked up this evening and to head out to Lead.. 
    “Ahem.. Lamb, I think that should be HELP Lead” ….

” Oh, alright, HELP Lead, the FFBCM Camp.  No, I was not left behind by mistake, we are going to run that Camp from Tuesday to Saturday because of the Fete St. Jean Holiday  tomorrow!!. I am SO excited that Day Camps are finally starting. I totally could not wait another minute inside that stuffy supply tub, so I’m sitting looking out the front door, all ready to be picked up this evening”

” Thanks, Lamb. I’ll see that you have some nice fresh grass salad and some Lambonade for dinner, while you are  waiting”.

          We had a great Service at church today with a sermon preached by Bishop Grant LeMarquand. I see it as no coincidence that I first met Grant when I arrived early on a Saturday morning at the very first Day Camp Residential Training, which took place that year at a Brownie Camp in the Laurentians.
My Mum and I got there in time to cook breakfast as my Mum was to be in charge of the kitchen (it was just a weekend Training in those days), as we walked towards the door a young man (Grant) rushed out  shouting  ” does anyone know where the water main is”?
         In those early days of Day Camps, the then Director had a habit of renting Training sites that were never large enough to properly accommodate the number of people so we tended to live from crisis to crisis, most of them of the electrical and plumbing kind!!!       I have seen Grant (his daughter, Chara, has also been on Travelling Team!!) many times since then, but that Summer he also came and led the very first Day Camp held at my home Church, St. Matthew’s.So we go  back a long way!! And there he was today, recently consecrated and about to take up his position as a Bishop in the Horn of Africa Bishop Grant and his wife, Doctor Wendy, are going under the auspices of SAMS , here is their new website
One of the topics of discussion this morning was about how ALL of us, as Christians, are Missionaries or more accurately  ” people with a Mission” or a “Calling”. Some of us might travel to Africa to exercise that Calling whereas for others it might be right at home among the people of the neighbourhood in which we live.
 But we ALL have a Calling.
          I feel so privileged to be able to work out my Calling by attempting to equip our Teams for taking the Good News of Jesus to children, their families and communities all over Canada.
          I see it as a HUGE responsibility and the next 2 weeks represent, in many ways, the culmination of my year’s work. BEFORE those Teams head out for Ministry, we are going to try to give them the very best possible tools for the journey. Whether it be in the Training Day Camp context this week or whether it be through the Speakers and Workshop Leaders who will all be involved in equipping them next week at the Retreat.I also believe in physically equipping them so I am putting the final touches on my Retreat  menus and making HUGE grocery lists for pick up at the end of this week ( all ingredients certified organic of course!

Coffee Cake
Retreat  Baking Day
“Andrew Friendly” Cookies!! aka-Gluten-free

Yesterday we shared a a morning snack of coffeecake and a lunch of Taco Salad, watermelon and 2 kinds of Krispie squares.. The Taco Salad was very well received so I’ll close off today by sharing it with you.

Taco Salad
  • 1 leaf lettuce,washed and torn into bite-sized pieces
  • 2 cups cooked kidney beans (or 1 can)
  • 1 cup shredded cheddar
  • 1/2 cup salsa
  • blue corn chips
  • optional-fresh cilantro,diced avocado
Arrange all components in serving dishes and let everyone build their own salad!

Serves 4-6

3 thoughts on “Team Training Day

  1. Hello, I just got a coffee at the airport in Canada and the guy behind the counter noticed a bracelet I have on. He asked me what it meant and I said it was religious, he thought so and asked if I made it at camp and I told him yes. He tells me about these ministries and about the day camps specifically. So I look you guys up and see you guys are looking for two more people?

    I wanted to know if the position is exclusive or more open? If it is open I would love to consider it as an option for myself if I fit your qualifications. I didn't see an email so I decided to write here. If you see this and are interested could you email me, if not I could look into it for next year because it sounds great!

    In peace,

    Ravin Scott.

    1. Crosstalk Ministries 26/06/2012 — 1:53 am

      Dear Ravin, We welcome Team members from all denominations and from all over the world! you can easily find our email and tons more info in the Pages along the side bar of the Blog!! too bad you are not free this year!! please pray that God sends us those 2 Leaders or we will have to cancel some camps!

    2. Yes, I will definitely keep you guys in mind for next year. I just got back into the States and you guys have started trainings so I just wouldn't be able to make it. I will keep you guys in my prayers for sure!! I hope all works out!!

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