Palm Sunday-
I almost feel that Holy Week is not a part of Lent, but a totally separate entity. There is a surreal quality to this week (at least there always has been in my life).

My Lenten discipline of Pysanky writing is complete, and now we all wait.

As a child, growing up in what was then, a large and active Church congregation, each day from the afternoon of the Saturday before Palm Sunday, to the evening of Easter Day itself, was packed with traditional events and activities.
Holy Week was a whirl of Palm Cross making, Liturgical Dance and Drama rehearsals, Seder Supper, Eucharists, Altar stripping, Altar and Church Decorating, Children’s Programs, the Good Friday evening excursion downtown with my Dad to hear Messiah,etc. etc. etc.
Every moment was wonderful, so special.
Now that world is behind me, I am trying to find a new rhythm, a new way to keep the unique quality of this week.
This morning, at Church, we had a discussion about ways to make this week “different”. About not letting the “same old-same old” of the Bible narrative allow us to be blasé about what we are experiencing.
I plan to take this week to look inside my body’s “house” and to set things straight (as best I can!) whilst employing my hands and feet in doing the same for my physical surroundings.
I’m going to “clean out” the closets of my mind while cleaning windows and washing curtains.My mentor, the Rev. Brett Cane, often speaks of how many Christians only choose to let Jesus into the livingrooms of their spiritual “houses” but would never let him into their basements or bedroom cupboards. By cleaning both my external and internal surroundings, I hope my “house” will be fit to welcome the Risen Lord. I need to spend more time in Intercessions and Thanksgivings. This past couple of days there has been added a greater urgency to my prayers as I intercede for the 5 day old son of dear friends who is gravely ill in hospital.
On the Day Camps front this is a pretty hard week on which to achieve much in the way of communication. Most Clergy and active church members are carrying out the activities listed above and all tend to put their thoughts of summer and Day Camps on hold (quite rightly) to focus on the greatest Festival of our liturgical year.
On the Day Camps front this is a pretty hard week on which to achieve much in the way of communication. Most Clergy and active church members are carrying out the activities listed above and all tend to put their thoughts of summer and Day Camps on hold (quite rightly) to focus on the greatest Festival of our liturgical year.
So even ‘tho I will be able to put in quite a bit of personal work on various aspects of the Program, and hopefully do some successful badgering of those who have not yet replied regarding the upcoming Team Gathering, it will still be a week when even I am forced to step back a bit from the Day Camp frenzy and look to the One who is ultimately the reason for the work I undertake every day of the year.
May each of you a find your own unique way to experience this amazing week in our Church Calendar and may you come, at last, to share in the glory of Easter Day!
Since this week seems to call for simple foods, prior to the Feast, I offer a Spring soup of Broccoli and Parsnips, which is simmering on my stove, even as I write!
Cream of Broccoli and Parsnip Soup
- 1 bunch broccoli orrapini
- 4 medium parsnips,peeled and thinly sliced
- 1 medium onion, diced
- 1 Tbsp. butter
- 2 2/3 cups chicken stock
- 2/3 cup milk
- 1 cup heavy cream
- Black pepper,to taste

Melt butter in a large pot,over medium heat. Add onion and cook for 5mins. Separate broccoli florets and set aside, roughly chop stems.
Add parsnips and stems to onions, cover with some of the chicken stock. Bring to the boil and simmer for 20mins.
Purée mixture,in batches, in a food processor and return to pot. Add rest of stock and florets. Simmer for 5 mins. add milk, cream and pepper and gently heat through. Serve immediately.Serves 4