Advent 2

Advent Two, with Mandu!

   Last evening we lit the second candle on the wreath and, as always, I marvelled at the speed with which we move through Advent!

   I am convinced that there are actually fewer hours in each day during December.
 But progress is being made on the home front as I complete various knitting, sewing, and baking projects on my “to do” lists.
 Yesterday morning at church, Pippa had asked me if I would come and help the Sunday School to set up the Nativity Scene. On the surface this sounds like a simple request but I was torn as to whether I could do it as the Crèche in question is the one which I gave to St. Stephen’s from St, Matthew’s, when the church closed. I helped a long ago Youth Group to sew these figures and to build the wooden box “stable”, so it has quite a bit of “history” for me.
     Actually, I enjoyed being with the small children, telling the story which we, as adults, know so well, but which to pre-schoolers is fresh and new. Seren ( age 2) insisted on referring to the Heavenly Host as “fairies”!!
       It is so hard to move on from St. Matthew’s but  I did feel connected as I sat on the floor with these little ones and shared in their excitement in arranging the scene.
          Every Christmas at St. Matthew’s, for at least the past 20 years we  had “Jesus’ Birthday Party”. A very special event for small children held  in the church on the Friday afternoon before Christmas.
     The crèche was always  an important part of the Service, as the priest would hide baby Jesus and the children would have to find him and then bring him to the manger.
    Jesus Birthday Party is a suggested resource in the Day Camps Follow-up Brochure, which is one of the documents available right on this blog. If you are involved in the ongoing Children’s Ministry of your Church, do have  look at this Brochure and, in the year to come,  consider trying some of the Outreach events suggested.These times of learning and fellowship are a “user-friendly” way to introduce new families, whose children attend your Day Camps, into the Church.
   This morning I have been working on the Agenda for our December Day Camp Committee meeting, which will be happening next Monday ,and also on a poster for the January Team Gathering, which will be taking place Janaury 7th, 2012. We have asked a former Team Leader as Speaker on that evening and it should be a great opportunity for new and old Team Members to get together for worship, teaching, and a tasty “pot-trust” supper!!
        Ah, Supper ….a segue for this week’s recipe!
Since everyone is into Christmas baking I will share my gingerbread cookie recipe. This is a GREAT dough to use with children as it is very “forgiving” and does not require tedious chilling or finicky rolling out with flour etc!.  Happy Baking!

Gingerbread Cookies- makes 3-4 dozen

  • 1 cup molasses
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 4 tsps. ground ginger
  • 4 tsps. ground cinnamon
  • 3/4 Tbsp. baking soda
  • 1 cup margarine or butter
  • 2 eggs , lightly beaten
  • 6 cups unbleached flour
Place the molasses, sugars & spices in a large saucepan, over med. heat.
When the sugar has melted, add the baking soda and stir. When the mixture bubbles up, remove from heat and pour over the marg. in a large bowl. When mixture has cooled, add eggs and stir well. Gradually add flour while beating with an electric mixer or a wooden spoon.
Roll out portions of dough until 1/4inch thick. Cut out cookie shapes and place on cookie sheets lined with parchment paper.
Bake in a preheated 325degree oven for approx. 15mins., or until firm to the touch.
Cookies can be decorated, before baking with coloured sugars , raisins, cherries ,nute etc. and/or iced after they have baked and cooled.
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