Wednesday Words- Cook-along Season 6

St. Ursula’s Potage

Hello Blog friends!

Another season of the Cook-Along has come to an end. This series was entitled “Feasts of the Saints” during which we explored the lives of Saints, whose feast days fell on the Cook-Along dates, culminating, in the final episode with a celebration of All Saints

For Week 1 Chef Jessica unpacked Saint Ursula, an early British Saint from the era of Roman occupation and who came to an untimely end while proselytising in Germany with a cohort of young ladies. The young cooks made a batch of Saint Ursula’s Potage, kicking off a trilogy of autumnal soups.

In the second episode, Chef Randy chose to read the well-known children’s story- Stone Soup, linking it with ” Saint of the Day” Saint Jude, the patron Saint of Hope. The children really enjoyed making their own pots of Stone Soup, including a real stone 😊.

For the final session Chef Syndi-Belle, who is of Lebanese origin and a Maronite Christian ,celebrated the Feast of All Saints with a nourishing post of All Beans Soup, a traditional Lebanese dish. She shared with the story of Saint Maron, after whom her denomination is named, who, during the times of religious wars in Lebanon, led the Christians to the hills where they built homes and small chapels and worshipped there in caves.

Following each episode the families were sent a copy of the full recipe plus age-appropriate activity sheets and links to videos and other resources themed around the Saint of the week.

A total of 10 children, ranging from toddlers to teens, joined in from 3 Canadian provinces. Some of the Mums have already asked to sign up for the next series, so I think, although, as always, we would have liked to see a larger turnout, we can say that the Day Camp Cook-Along is a program valued by families and still going strong 😊.

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