Pentecost 2

It has been a full week around here. Much of my time during office hours has been taken up with honing the details of this summer’s programs. I have labelled all the craft sample photos and organised them into folders that are included in both the Virtual Experience and In-Person Day Camps. 

Tuesday evening’s meeting gave the DC committee space in which to discuss the current situation and to lean into our faith by sharing ideas for programing in the months ahead.

We talked about the lack of applications for the summer and everyone committed to finishing up their tasks in preparing various parts of the program even if it is not used this year. Then we looked at ideas for an autumn “Cook-Along” series as well as a Team Alumni day retreat. Long-term thoughts also include a second edition of ”Carols & Cocoa”, as that event was most successful last Advent.

Of course the virtual Team Gathering is coming up early in July and all of us need to be badgering people to sign up for that, so far a few alums have already requested the link to the Google Meet 🙂.

Jillian has completed the updates needed on the Puppet Videos and has almost finished editing the Training Video that we recorded last month and Mae Anne is working on the PowerPoints that are needed for both types of programs.

It seems highly unlikely that we will be receiving any applications at this point since communities need lead time for advertising and recruiting volunteers for in-person Camps, although it might still be feasible for a church to offer the virtual experience since that happens in peoples’ own homes and backyards.

It has been a very discouraging season so it really was great to meet and talk with likeminded enthusiasts who were able to lift my spirits 🙂.

Outside of the small world of Day Camps (is there an outside?) I have continued to garden whenever I have a free hour.We had a couple of rainy days, which was actually great as everything was getting rather crispy but today there is only a chance of showers so first thing, after walking Thomason, I headed out to mow the lawns. The rest of the day will be mostly taken up with a baking marathon. I have a long list of things to pop in the oven- Granola, Rhubarb Crunch (the first of my own rhubarb!!!), GF bread for Sue, Tea Cakes, Digestive Biscuits and a Breakfast Custard. All of that should keep me busy for several hours  Yesterday afternoon I did as much prep work on them as possible in the hopes that everything can get baked in a few hours today. 

This week I also worked on the birthday crown for my Godson Tighe.  He will be NINE later this month and has chosen an orange and green crown with appliqués of a soccer ball, a book, pizza and fruit juice and waves (he loves swimming!) I am pleased with the result and hope he will be too.

I guess I should hit the publish button now or the baking will still be happening at bedtime, so here is our weekly recipe:-

Thursday evening I enjoyed a tasty Asian dish with some of the cooked chicken I prepared on Victoria Day Weekend, it was very yummy 🙂.

Chicken, Plums & Noodles in Hoisin Sauce 

  • 14 oz. cooked chicken, sliced
  • 5 mi-cuit plums (available at Asian Grocers) or soaked prunes, sliced
  • 6 oz. Linguine or udon noodles, cooked and well drained
  • 3 cups fresh vegetables (I used cucumber, radishes and baby boy choy)
  • 2 tsps. rice vinegar
  • 1 tsp. Tamari
  • 2 Tbsps. Hoisin Sauce
  • ½ tsp. dried chillies or 1 fresh chilli, minced
  • ½ inch grated ginger root
  • 4 Tbsps. sunflower oil

Combine the chicken, plums, noodles and vegetables in a large serving bowl.

Whisk together the vinegar, Tamari, chilli, ginger and oil. Pour the dressing over the chicken mixture and serve immediately. Serves 3-4  

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