
It’s Friday morning, not Saturday, but it seems prudent to make a start on this week’s post since tomorrow is the Praise & Thanksgiving Gathering, which means Ill be out for most of the afternoon. At the moment the plan is to take some photos at the Gathering and then publish this post when I get home sometime tomorrow evening. But first let’s do a brief recap of the week 😊
        I’ve had 2 “early start mornings” this week with the Brady kiddos, Monday and yesterday, that means I do get a long and productive morning, even if I need to crawl into bed early at night.😊 I have already been delving into the Creative Connection section of the 2019 “Luke Street” Program Manual. Many years ago I was asked to write the “crafts” Chapter but after becoming director, I guess I was truly able to put my own stamp on creativity by reworking this Chapter to focus more on creativity in Worship than just making “Bible story crafts”. It has been a gradual shift but I hope that the emphasis on helping all types of  host communities to value a child’s potential contribution to liturgy, whether it be through Liturgical Dance or composing Intercessory prayers or helping to craft a cloth for the Lord’s Table or a stole for the Clergy. It can be challenging to find activities that will both grab the attention of the Campers and also meet those requirements. In recent years as my passion for Ecological awareness has grown I have also tried to look at using sustainable materials and having the campers make things that will not end up in the garbage a few days after Day Camp ends. All of the above can be quite a tall order which is why I’m launching into is far ahead of publishing deadlines 😊
      This Tuesday afternoon was the first meeting since our June Synod of Diocesan Council. Mercifully the rain held off so I was able to bike downtown and home in the early evening without getting wet. Since I am Lay Secretary and co-responsible with the Clerical Secretary for producing the minutes of these meetings I had to squeeze typing up the draft minutes into my Wednesday afternoon. Despite lots on the schedule I also managed to complete 4 sets of coasters for Christmas gifts. These were made by employing the art of quilling using upcycled magazine pages. I still need to give each one a thin coat of waterproof varnish and then to sew a small “bucket” in which they can be stored. But at least there is some progress on my Christmas list!
       All week I have also been completing the PowerPoint that will be used at tomorrow’s Gathering. The last piece of content arrived this morning in the shape of the 2018 Day Camps Slideshow, which Jessica has assembled from a selection of the MANY photos taken over the 6 weeks of Day Camps. 
      After mowing the lawns first thing this morning and then spending several hours on office work I just took a “break” to mix up a batch of granola, 20 pear and hazelnut muffins, an apple pie, a large pan of caramel popcorn and finally some Greek oven fries for tonight’s dinner.
As the fries are soon to come out of the oven I must head off to make a Greek Salad to go with them. 
Here is the recipe for the fries, super easy and good at anytime of the year although at present I’m enjoying using some delicious fingerling potatoes from my CAS Farm Share!
Greek Oven Fries
  • 1 lb. potatoes 
  • 2 Tbps. olive oil
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 2 tsps. dried oregano
  • 2 Tbps. lemon juice
  • 1 large clove of garlic, minced
Scrub the potatoes but do not peel. Cut them into long wedges and place in a large bowl with all the other ingredients. Toss well and spread on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Bake for 30-45 minutes in a preheated 425º oven. Serves 3-4 as a side, 2 as a main course with Greek Salad.

Praise & Thanksgiving Wrap-up

       Not many photos, and not very inspiring but below is a glimpse from this afternoon


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