Another Kind of Wednesday Words – More Craft Samples

Hello everyone, 
   As promised here is another extra post, this time showing the samples of the crafts, which can be included as a “registration time” activity each morning when the Campers  are arriving at Day Camp.
  We have noted in the Program Manual that these activities are optional if your community is short on helpers and feels adding an extra craft at the start of the day is too ambitious and so a suggestion is also included  for a simple wall mural that can be substituted.
  Following your Day Camp week, host communities will be able to let us know on the Day Camp Evaluation Form how you liked this new program addition.
 Enjoy checking out these sample pics!

Paper Angel Stick Puppet- Day 1
Rock Painting- Day 2
Crystal Stars-Day 3
Marble Maze- Day 4
Foil Name Art- Day 5

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