Sunday Reflections-Epiphany 3

Despite a long and busy Sunday, at least this week it is possible to carve out the time to write this post today and not on Monday!
        Today was the annual Vestry Meeting after church at St. Stephen’s so, once again, I did not return home until very late, 3pm! Needless to say Wil was waiting at the door anxious for his afternoon perambulation so I simply dumped my bags in the hall and hurried out with him.
      Now home, and changed into cosy clothes with two giant pots of “Wil Food” simmering on the stove, I can take the time to process my Sunday and to reflect on the special “God moments” which will offer fuel to my spirit for the week ahead.
      This morning I took the bus to church, because, just for once, there was no need to be down there extra early! The bus ride was most convivial as I met up with various friends and acquaintances who catch the same bus to attend their churches. Matthew was one of those on the bus so we walked over to church together and he filled me in on his weekend activities.Once at church I set up crafts, snacks and felt board and got in a bit of knitting before our Gathering began. For the second week we followed our new plan of shared snack with the Toddlers and then got busy with Mark 1: 16-20, the calling of Simon and Andrew, discussing how Jesus met the disciples where they were and how they left their past lives to join Him.  No one had bothered to mention that the Service would be shorter than usual so there was a huge rush to collect up all our bits and pieces when Paul popped his head into our room to say the congregation wassinging the final song! Oh dear!! Half finished mobiles-how to collect up all the sticks and strings and cutout pieces for take home??
       As I ate my lunch sandwich Seren approached and presented me with a note and a bracelet she had made in Thanks for her birthday gift, definitely a God moment! Seeing 6 day old Eloise at church with her parents, grandparents and sister was also a very special vignette to treasure. These small and precious moments are so easy to overlook in the bustle of life in general. But if we do not actively seek them out we miss them forever. Small and simple moments are the tenure of our days. Often we think that only when huge or awesome things happen do we see God’s hand in our lives but if we can slow down and notice the tiny things, the way a child crouches down with awe to watch an insect on the ground, those are the moments when our own child-like wonder can be rekindled and I think our lives are ultimately so much richer for them. This week I plan to be intentional in catching those fleeting moments and in expressing my gratitude to the Lord for each and every one of them!
        As I sit typing I have been listening to the music of the Rend Collective, a band to whom I have just been introduced. Their video “The Art of Celebration Story” resonates perfectly with my intentions… 

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