If you read my Saturday post, you do not need an explanation as to why I could not produce a Sunday Post! Last evening, by the time the beds were stripped and changed and all the dishes washed, I was totally ready to fall into bed.
But it was a very good and productive weekend and I would not have changed the whirlwind and chaos.
There was an early start Sunday, with the padding of small feet first heard in the hall around 530am. After managing to doze until 630 it seemed best to get up too and start the day. Hurried chores, the weekly call from the UK, a walk with Wil and breakfast all followed and by 10am we were buckled into the car seats and heading down to St. Stephen’s.
Two weeks ago, with no children present I had axed a session of Eucharistic Bread baking so yesterday, with 4 small chefs in attendance we met in the kitchen and set to work.
We talked about why we were making this bread and about Jesus exhortation to us at the Last Supper that we should “remember Him”. We mixed, we shaped, we cleaned the table and we popped the little loaves into the oven. As the bread was baking we also had time to do some more sketching of the C@St.S logo.
My eldest Godson enjoyed being part of the group as he is especially keen on cooking. It was a bit hard to keep the noise level down in the kitchen and there were plenty of “ssshhhs” from me and plenty of giggles from the little group.
Then it was lunchtime and home to set up for the afternoon Board meeting, quickly followed by supper with the Huyers and their departure for Ottawa.
Looking over this post, it could just be seen as a litany of rather boring and mundane activities. But over the week just past I have had a “soundtrack song” running through my head. It is one I have enjoyed before and in searching for a 2015 Day Camps Liturgical Dance it popped up again. It won’t do for Day Camps but there is a good chance it will be perfect for the SYC Closing Worship Dance (if I’m asked to choreograph one in 2015). The title is “A Seamless Life”and I would very much hope that my life reflects its theme.
At St. Stephen’s we have a prayer that is used near the start of the Service each week. It is about gathering for worship and scattering for Mission in the world, in our daily lives. Sunday worship is a hugely important component for our faith journey, but surely the journey itself is what we do between our Sunday gatherings and most importantly how we use that “doing” to show our Lord to others and to make a difference in the world.
As many people are all too aware my favourite movie is Chariots of Fire and my favourite line occurs when, in discussing Eric Liddell’s amazing gift of racing speed and the possibility of his using it to run in the Olympic Games, his father says-
“You can peel a spud to perfection, if you peel it to the glory of God”.
We can use all our daily activities to His honour and glory if we set out with that intention surely it puts new meaning and even joy into the most mundane of duties. I am also convinced, that by doing just that we can make a difference, and we can also “feel His pleasure”.