Blog & Bake- This afternoon has been a juggling act between these two agenda items, since tomorrow a family of 5 is coming for afternoon tea thus entailing a fair amount of preparation today, as there is very little extra prep time on a Sunday.
But,as often seems to happen I am getting ahead of myself and so will return to the beginning of the week: –
Monday, as previously noted, was our monthly Day Camp Committee meeting. Nearly everyone was able to attend, which was just great. After a dinner of Borscht, Homemade Bagels, Cream cheese and. Apple Strudel, we were treated to a “sneak peak” video of the puppets that Anna is assembling for the “Follow the Leader” Slideshow. We were all really excited to see them coming together. Anna will be our December “Wednesday Words” guest blogger and I know she will be sharing more about the puppets then, so watch for her Post!
At the actual meeting we also discussed the recording of the soundtrack, which Josiah will be organizing, hopefully by March. We were able to sort out the “problem’ which had arisen in that Josiah and Alicia’s wedding is now scheduled for the same date as our Spring Coffee House. Josiah himself suggested we hold the Coffee House on the Friday evening and make sure that Youth Groups who meet on Fridays will make it a special “Group “ activity. After much emailing and phoning back and forth, it has all worked out so that is our new plan. LOTS more reminders of this event in months to come!-FRIDAY, May 9th.
Tuesday I began follow-up work from the meeting (including the above) as well as pulling together content for CTM’s Christmas Networks newsletter. That same morning brought a very sad email from Avery to tell us that Steve had died, earlier that day, this news has thrown a pall of grief over our church community. Wednesday was supposed to be a “Wednesday Words” day,but a number of circumstances conspired to delay the Post until yesterday. Do read it.
Thursday morning I met with Jill (and Emma and Owen!) to discuss committee business. Jill is now working part-time at her church as a Youth Ministry Coordinator and has decided she needs to take a short sabbatical from our meetings while she juggles work and family. On the bright side she is still eager to continue preparing Program Chapters and helping out at events etc. So we are planning to meet regularly over morning coffee (and babies, animals and knitting!!) so that she can be kept in the loop.
There have been a couple of hopeful responses to my reminder sent out to prospective host churches but I suspect it will require a bit more badgering before any applications begin to arrive.It looks as if the time has come to exchange my rake for a snow shovel, which means that the gardening season is really over. Early in the week there was a fare bit of extra clean up to do following the departure of the brick masons And their scaffolding, which was not picked up until Thursday, but the driveway looks pretty clean now, all ready for the arrival of the first snow (forecast for tomorrow!!)

A fresh batch of fabric brooches is also under construction; however,since the coming week includes the “Changing of the Decorations” for Advent and Christmas all other projects will be taking a back seat until that major overhaul is completed.
Of course Monday evening there will be “Christmas Crafts” with Matthew and Tuesday evening is the CTM Board meeting so I cannot exactly turn the house upside-down until Wednesday but all sorts of work can begin to happen behind the scenes. Coming full circle back to today…… as mentioned I am also baking for tomorrow’s tea!
So will just close off with the Apple Strudel recipe and start mixing up a chocolate cake.
Apple Strudel

- 4 cups peel and thinly sliced apple
- 2 Tbsps. finely chopped candied ginger
- ½ cup brown sugar
- ½ cup raisins
- ½ cup toasted walnuts, coarsely chopped
- ½ tsp. cinnamon
- ½ tsp. mace
- 1Tbsp. cornstarch
- 1/2 package Filo pastry
- ½ cup melted butter or margarine
- ¼ cup fresh breadcrumbs
In a large bowl combine the apples, ginger, raisins, nuts, sugar, cornstarch and spices.On a clean flat surface lay out one sheet of filo, brush with butter and sprinkle with a few crumbs. Keep other sheets covered with a damp tea towel so they do not dry out). Continue layering sheets; until all are used then pile the filling in a long mound 3” from one short end of the pastry.Fold the sides over the filling and roll the strudel firmly, lengthwise. Carefully transfer to a parchment lined baking sheet and brush with remaining butter. Bake in a preheated 375F. oven for 45-55mins. Cool at least 30 mins. before serving. Serve in thick slices, accompanied by whipped cream. If desired. Serves 6-8.