September Meeting

Monday evening we held our first Fall meeting of the new Day Camp Committee. It was a really jam-packed meeting with a LOT on the agenda and happily a lot also got covered!

The evening began with dinner and we all got caught up on bits of news as we consumed Butternut Squash and Sage Galette (from this book), followed by Apple Snow and Custard (recipe below). Then we got down to business. 
We talked about remaking the Slideshow, allocated Chapters of the 2014 Program Manual, discussed the upcoming Team Gathering & Coffee House plans and went over our calendar of meeting dates and other activities which will be happening, God Willing, in the months ahead.

Of course Wil was his usual boisterous, badly behaved self but it was kind of cool that 15 month old Owen seemed to overcome his fear of Wil during the evening and Wil let him “wind” his tail without a fuss. It was lovely to see Owen smiling and interacting with Wil. 
I think part of Wil’s good “attitude” was that he had just spent the previous weekend in the company of William and Alexander so he was really in a positive “toddler groove”; long may it last!!!

Since Josiah was not able to make the meeting, I agreed to send out the Prayer Concerns to our Prayer Support Group, something I will tackle this evening.   
Most of the rest of the week has been spent contacting people who we hope will take on various roles in Program planning plus sending off files to committee members who have already agreed to take on Chapters of the Manual or work on the new Slideshow.
Around the house, I stained the porch floor and repainted the exteriors of the two chest freezers in the basement (doesn’t everyone regularly repaint their freezer lids??)I cut out 2 skirts and a pair of sarouelles from remnants of fabric I had hanging around, distributed fresh herbs from my garden to several friends, gardened (soon it will be RAKING time!) and fitted in a fair bit of Autumn-type cooking and baking:  – Ratatouille, Swiss Chard Burritos Ground Cherry Pie etc.
 As my dear friend Michelle would say –“just a quiet week at the Taylor’s”!
Today, as I write, there are 2 lemon loaves and 2 gluten-free loaves in the oven with Lavender Shortbread soon to follow, and 4 quarts of beef broth cooling on the counter.
Wil is kindly keeping watch over the latter for me, I guess in the fond hope it will spontaneously spill! And Victoria continues to slave over her Research Paper, having returned for a third weekend of writing.
   Here is a Apple Snow Recipe, as promised, a Sunday Reflection to follow tomorrow…
 Apple Snow
  • 7 cups unsweetened Applesauce             
  • 4 egg whites, at room temperature
  • ¼ tsp. Lemon Juice
  • 2/3 cup granulated sugar
Chill the applesauce. In a large bowl combine the lemon juice and egg whites and beat with an electric mixer until foamy. With the beaters set on high,
gradually beat in the sugar until a stiff and glossy meringue is formed. Place the chilled applesauce in a large serving bowl. With a rubber spatula, gently fold the meringue into the applesauce, just until combined. Refrigerate several hours before serving.  If desired, serve with a custard made with the egg yolks. Serves 6-8 can be easily halved.
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