Once again I find myself tackling the whole blog post on Sunday afternoon. But it is sort of nice since today is actually the Feast of Pentecost so I also shall be giving the Blog a new “look” as we enter another Liturgical Season.
The Week began with our monthly Day Camp Committee meeting on Monday evening. Nearly everyone was present and we covered plenty of territory, focusing on the 3 key issues of urgent need-Team Leaders, Training Day Camp Team Leaders and host churches.
After wrestling with these, and other matters, much of the rest of my Office time this week has been spent in following up on the suggestions made at the meeting. I wish I could report startling success, but, sadly, no news yet; although we have heard of anther possible Team Leader, and yesterday, of a Team Member, which is all good news. This morning, as I prayed while biking to church, I formed an image of pastors getting up in their pulpits and mentioning this great opportunity for outreach to children and families, praying that, at the coffee hour, after church, someone would be approaching them to agree that Day Camps sounds like a great idea! I am a visual person, so it helps, when praying, to do it with some mental pictures! Now I just have to wait for Tuesday and the anticipated flood of enquiries!!! Other Day Camp matters have included the completion of the 2013 EDP (Extended Day Program), assembling of documents for the Retreat Week folders and a start on the advance baking and cooking for the Retreat. Since tomorrow is a “Holiday” (Ha! Ha!) I plan, God willing, to continue with the food prep by baking Coffee Cakes and Raisin Loaves. It seemed a good plan to sneak them in before the clouds of brick dust appear on Tuesday!
Miguel and crew have made a start on the exterior repairs. The back pathway has been dug out and regraded, ready for uni-paving and a frame has been constructed for the concrete retaining walls. Still no scaffolding or Brickwork. The crew was supposed to work through the weekend but, yesterday, Miguel told me they had hear a rumour of City Inspectors in the neighbourhood so he could be fined for working on a Civic Holiday, thus, yet again, the work has been postponed.
It did give me a clear field to mow the lawns and spread grass seed yesterday and, first thing this morning I also squeezed in giving Wil his annual BATH! He was very good and now smells sweet and fresh. Mandu is bathed, every few months, in the kitchen sink( I did her yesterday afternoon) but bathing Wil involves the assembling of a number of buckets of warm water, shampoo and a big bath sheet. It feels good to have that big job completed.
The balance of my “free time” this week was spent in changing the Decorations to “Pentecost/Summer”.( see photos above) It was, perhaps, foolish to do this as it involves much extra cleaning and I cannot help but feel that, after the brickwork, I shall have to repeat a certain amount of it!
At Church today we got to watch the Pentecost Shadow Puppet Video made last Sunday by Joan and a small group of others. There was also a cake for “the Birthday of the Church”. Pastor Nick and family have gone to Baltimore for the weekend to visit relatives so Fred was our preacher and he began a new sermon-series on “The Parables” which will be our focus topic over the Summer months.Today was “The Sower and the Seed”.
Last evening I had a huge treat of some shrimp, purchased with part of a generous gift card for Ecollegey (my favourite local Organic food emporium).
The recipe was simple and quick to put together, just right after a day of cleaning, mowing and cat bathing!
Chilli Shrimp with Noodles
- 8 oz. thin Japanese Noodles
- 8oz. large raw shrimp, peeled
- 1 onion, thinly sliced
- 2 small fresh chilli peppers, seeded and minced
- 2 Tbsps. vegetable oil
- 2 Tbsps. fresh cilantro, chopped
- 2 Tbsps. brown sugar
- 1 tsp. limejuice
- 2 Tbsps Asian Fish Sauce
Cook the noodles according to package directions. Drain and set aside. In a wok, heat the oil over high heat and fry the chillies and onion for 2 minutes. Add the shrimp, cilantro, limejuice, brown sugar and fish sauce and continue to stir-fry until the shrimp has turned pink. Add the cooked noodles and tossed to warm through.Serves 2.
And so begins a new Season and a week ahead full of Day Camp doings and the dreaded Brickwork!