The Liturgical Dance

    Saturday-   It has been a full week, since our Monday meeting and, this afternoon, I’m off to lead the Workshop on Liturgical Dance for this summer’s Program.
        We will run through it a bunch of times and then Rod will record it for the Dance DVD, which is a part of our Program Supplies.
        I mentioned, a while back, that I have chosen “Winter Song” by Fernando Ortega  as a piece which will work really well within the “One of Us” program. It illustrates the Christmas Story but is not a sentimental or syrupy “Holiday Song”!!
       Here is a link to the album “Home” from which the song comes.
       So I’ve been quite occupied memorising the choreography. Other activities this week have included the on-going PROOFREADING of the Manual Chapters, some badgering about the upcoming Team Gathering, and a new plan to organise a “craft-day”, at which I hope to have a bunch of Team people get together to assemble some crafts from the Creative Connection and the Scrambler activities.
      We will then use these samples as illustrations at both Parish Kick-Off Day and Team Training Day….
Monday– The recording session went off very well! an award should go to the Stilwell family who comprised 4 of the 7 Dancers PLUS the camera operator!!!
       I also coerced several people into helping with “Craft-Day” on Saturday, May 5th. We consumed strawberry or chocolate ice cream cones and I got home in reasonable time to do a load of “Saturday Baking”, so all in all a productive afternoon-Thanks be to God.
  Now I am plunged into a new week and hoping for inspiration to complete a draft of the EDP ( Extended Day Program) which will be used in at least 2 communities this Summer. I need to decide on some good Daily Crafts projects as well as a couple of Weekly Crafts which will appeal to both boys and girls, quite a tall order!
The First Snowdrops!!
So that is just the tip of the iceberg for my week.
How about a Recipe?
 Since we are enjoying some AMAZING early Spring Weather I am celebrating with the first Asparagus, so I offer you….
Asparagus Oven Pancake
  • 1 Tbsp. margarine
  • 2/3 cup steamed asparagus, cut into 1-inch pieces
  • 3/4 cup milk
  • 2/3 cup flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/4 tsp. salt
  • 1/2 cup shredded cheese
Preheat oven to 400F. While oven heats place marg. in a 9-inch pie plate and place in oven to melt. Swirl to grease bottom and sides.
Arrange asparagus in pan. In a blender or food processor, mix milk, flour,eggs and salt. Pour over asparagus. Bake until puffed and golden, 20-25 mins.
Sprinkle cheese on top, cut into wedges and serve immediately. OR omit cheese and serve with hollandaise sauce! Serves 2-3

1 thought on “The Liturgical Dance

  1. Don't know if these are any that are already in the manual, but paper airplanes, bracelet making with simple beads and pipe cleaners, and paper bag puppets or cardboard cereal boxes cut out with popsicle stick puppet have been popular for us in the past as easy, low maintenance crafts. Or robot making with foam / construction paper pre-cut into various sized squares, triangles, circles and rectangles plus googly eyes, glue sticks and stickers. These are all pretty open ended and once you have a few quick samples made up most kids can do them on their own, then make puppet shows or have airplane flying competitions quite easily.

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