
      So we have now reached the midway point between Summer and Christmas, and all of Canada is pausing,this Weekend, to give Thanks. 

      I think it is just great that both the US and Canada have civic holidays called “Thanksgiving” because, surely, the word brooks the questions- “To whom are you giving Thanks?”

      Obviously those of us who are committed Christians think the answer is pretty clear but what about those who are unchurched? Maybe, just maybe, some of them ponder that question this weekend and turn their hearts towards God. 
That is my prayer. 
     On a more prosaic note, I ,like millions of other Canadians am currently  feverishly putting the final touches to my Thanksgiving Day dinner menu and thawing my turkey. ( a lovely organic Heritage bird from Dwight and Stacey’s farm)
   But how does all  this link in with Day Camps?
 …..Well my stuffing, this year, is a gorgeous amalgam of wild rice, baguette, apple, celery dried cranberries and fresh herbs.The wild rice was a gift brought back by our Special Mission Team Leader from the First Nations Communities of northern Saskatchewan 
so that makes for a special Day Camps link!!.
        And since I started by mentioning that we are half way to Advent/Christmas, the other point I would like to make is that, this year, I feel that all of us connected with preparations for the 2012 Program should really be digging deeper as we live through the coming Advent Season. Trying to winkle out of that very special time, any insights that come to us which might, in someway ,enrich the Program for the Campers next summer. 
      Next  Saturday we will also be coming together for the Fall Team Gathering and I’m hoping to have a great turnout. Also, this week, we are meeting to do some real planning for the Coffee House ( Saturday Nov. 12th) . I do hope some of you reading this will plan to come to either  (or both) of these Day Camp Events!!
         I’m REALLY excited because Jillian is coming early, before the Gathering, and will be formatting photos all of which will soon appear in our Day Camps nostalgia slide show OOO HOO!!!
   And flipping back to the Thanksgiving theme I thought I would share with you a decadent treat with which I plan to close off Thanksgiving dinner. 
do try them, they are very yummy and suitably “Fall-ish”.

 Chocolate Cranberry Chunks

  • 2 1/2 cups fresh cranberries
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 1/2 cups chopped nuts ( almonds, hazelnuts or pecans)
  • 2/3 cup raisins
  • 1 lb. bittersweet chocolate
Cook the cranberries with the sugar for 6mins. over med.high heat, stirring. Boil the cream then place the pan in a shallow pan of boiling water. Add the chopped chocolate to the cream and stir until melted. Remove from heat and combine with cooked cranberries, raisins and nuts. pour into a 9″ square pan lined with foil,spread evenly. chill until firm. Cut into 1 1/2 ” chunks.  MMM!!!
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