
   Each week brings new challenges to a technologically inept Day Camp Director!
       This week the challenge was WEB MAIL. For some unknown reason  my home Internet service provider has chosen to override the CTM email address with my personal home address so all Office correspondence was being received from the latter instead of the former. Thus it was necessary to switch over to webmail. So, at the moment I am using a PC which has-all the current files,access to the old address book,webmail with an out of date address book, a printer connection that works, but no access to the scanner. The much newer MAC also has the webmail with the out of date address book, no printer access, minimal files and a scanner ( sigh).
As I said at the beginning it has been a week of challenges.
     The new Webmail seems not to have an ability to be set up with distinctive fonts ( VERY important to a Fine Arts Major) nor is it possible to save messages unless you convert them into pdfs.Plus every time I want to log in I have to enter the user name and password.!!! AGH!!!.
 I hope things will get easier as I move the files onto the Mac .
End of rant!
        The good news is that we have already received applications to return to Slave Lake Alberta for Summer  2012!! They are booking us for 2 weeks PLUS they hope our Team will do an outreach even further North. Here is a clip from the cover letter sent by Francois;-

“At the Ministerial Association Meeting this past week, I reported on the success of our two-week Day Camp this past summer.  The members of the Ministerial had nothing but praise for the way that things went.  They indicated their willingness to go with Crosstalk Ministries again next year.  I discussed with them the suggestion that we consider other  communities in the region where the ministry might be taken.  They were quite enthused about this suggestion and suggested that along with our two weeks of Camp, we could perhaps along with the Crosstalk Day Camp Team, do an outreach to one of two communities in the region where there are no firmly established churches.   One of these is Red Earth Creek, 100 miles north of Slave Lake.  It is a small oil town of around 500 to 700 people with a nearby First Nations Community of Loon River where there are an other 300-400 people.  The other community is much larger with a total population of 5000 to 6000 people made up of First Nation, Metis, and Whites.  It consists of the First Nation Bigstone Reserve and First Nations Community of “Desmarais”, and its twin, the Mixed Metis & White Community of Wabasca.  The only churches we are aware of in these two communities except for the one exception, are first nations house churches.  These often breakdown and re-establish themselves on an ongoing basis and can change from year to year.  If we were to announce a Children’s Camp, it would most probably be well attended since they have a history of Evangelist & other faith groups coming in and doing similar events.  Wabasca does have a small and active Roman Catholic Church.  We know the Pastor, we have some assurance that if we decide to go there he would work with us in this regard.    None of this is for sure since we still have to make enquiries and see what is possible, and we would not be doing this until we know if you are open to this scenario.

One scenario would see us run our first week the second week of July, with the outreach on the second week, and our last week at the end of July.

This is great news!
I have also been sending out Chapter materials from the Program Manual and several people have already begun editing work.
 A few Team members have responded about attending the Team Gathering and I shall continue badgering in the next week as the Team Gathering will be taking place 2 weeks today.
I’m going to make a hefty “Main Course” Salad with millet, which brings me to the sharing of this week’s recipe.
Last evening I was babysitting my godson ,William ( age 2), whom some of you might know as the son of CTM’s Senior Youth Camp Directors . I was told he liked pasta so this is what I made. We all enjoyed it very much!

Golden Garlic Pasta

  • 4 Tbsp olive oil
  • 6 large cloves fresh garlic, lightly crushed
  • 1 28oz. can diced Italian tomatoes
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1tsp beef or veg stock powder
  • 1 pound dried whole wheat penne
  • freshly grated Parmesan, for serving
Place olive oil and garlic in a deep frying pan and saute over medium -low heat, stirring frequently, until garlic is golden.
Add the tomatoes, salt and pepper and stock powder. Cook until a sauce forms, about 15mins.
 Meanwhile cook penne according to pkg. directions.
Drain, and place in a large pasta serving bowl. add the sauce and toss well. Serve with Parmesan
Serves 4.
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