The Dreaded Evaluations!

  With the Prayer and Praise Service safely behind them all the Lambs have headed off for a happy Winter in the Baaahamas and have turned the Blog over to me, the Director.

      In classic Lambish  fashion, they did not wait to see all the Team Supplies sorted and stored away so this week I plan to co-opt some of the Committee to come and help with that onerous task.
       We had a very productive Team Leaders’ Evaluation Meeting on Tuesday . This is an opportunity  all the leaders have to come together for one last time, to share their stories and to offer comments and suggestions both from their Parish experiences and from their insights into the Program.
      We gleaned some very useful ideas, and also hope to add one or two of the Leaders to our Planning Committee for the 2011-2012 year.
         And now comes the major job of filling in all the Evaluations and Feedback forms!!
       The Evalautions of each Team Member need to be completed by next Thursday ,at which time I will be heading down to Senior Youth Camp to lead a Workshop on making Knitted Bead Earrings and will distribute said evaluations to the Team Members who are Campers and Staff at Junior Camp and at Senior.
       Then the next task is to fill in the “Feedback Forms” which are sent to every Church and  Community(30 this year) who hosted a Day Camp Week.
      Both types of packages need to include cover letters, plus info about the coming year, so I shall need to edit some of those documents and hurry up to the local copy center in the next couple of days ,in order to have everything ready on Thursday!
     I spent Friday evening and yesterday morning cooking for the Senior Youth Camp Staff Pre- Camp Training Retreat, held at Isaiah 40 . It was great to spend time with the staff and with my 2 year old Godson William, who is he son of the co-Directors . On the down side I had to be up at 5am yesterday so I’m a bit zonked tonight.
     Several of the pre-camp Staff have made the suggestion that I add some of my recipes to this Blog, so tonight I’m putting in the first one!
 It is for GadoGado ,an Indonesian dish which I served to the Team Leaders at the Evaluation Meeting
Here goes…….
   Gado Gado
1 head leaf lettuce
2 large potatoes,boiled and sliced
200g green beans sliced, blanched
11/2 cups shreed bok choy or green cabbage
2 medium tomatoes, cut in wedges
1 sweet, sliced onion
3 scallions, cut in shor lengths
1 cucumber, thinly sliced
4 hard-bolied eggs. sliced
125g, fried tofu, cubed
Nut Sauce
1cup, peanut butter OR Sunbutter ( peanut free)
1 garlic scape, chopped
4 scallions, chopped
1/2 tsp chili powder
1tsp brown sugar
1Tbsp soy sauce
1cup water
2 Tbsp lemon juice
1- Arrange all vegetables in rows on a large platter
2- Place sauce ingredients in food processor and blend until smooth.
3- To serve, diners assemble their own choice of veg and top with sauce. Serve at room temeprature. Serves 4-6
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